Monday, June 26, 2006

Today...VBS...was...exauhsting. and i have 4 more days to go.

i did, although have some deep moments with God, who encouraged me, and gave me a deeper sense of excitment. and as for my thoughts on how the day went. thank you lanelle and elaine for helping with the crafts. your guy's insights were very helpful. i was really hoping to get some deep spiritual messages passed onto these little kids...but i forgot some very important things...and i was also running out of time...darn those schedules and memory loss! but all in all, i think it went ok. I just hope the Lord can use us all in amazing ways, to reach out to these little kids. and i'm pretty sure most of the preschoolers...especially at the beginning of the week...aren't prepared to make a descision to follow Christ. the two preschoolers that i had brought up to the fellowship hall, after they raised there hands, didn't even know why they were there.

but i was glad for the practise at leaste.


tomorrow, is going to be great. God will surely be present for my craft! (the wordless bracelette!)


i should go practise what to say. hey...i'll practise online.

so...find something that is a yellow ball or a yellow pen. what does yellow remind you of? (gold...?) in heaven there will be a street of gold! how exciting is that! but even better! God will be in heavan. and God loves you all so much. and someday, He want's you to be in heavan with Him. but...there's one thing that can't be in heavan...(now find something Black.) and that is sin. God is perfect and sin is everything that you say or do or think that hurts God. like hitting your brother or sister, or thinking mean thoughts, or disobeying your parents. and the Bible says that we all have sinned...(Romans 3:23) and...??? another verse that i don't know.
so the Bible is saying that we all sin. you sin, I sin, your leaders sin, your parents sin...we ALL sin. and because of sin we can't go to heavan to be with God. God also says, "For the wages of sin, is death..." (what's the reference????) God has made a place of punishment, for those who have sinned. and that place is Hell. Hell is complete separation from God. a very sad and scary place. So, because we all have sinned, that means we all are going to Hell! this story is getting very hopeless...

i'm going to hell because of my sins. i will never be able to be with God!

But God made a way for us to be with Him...(find something red) and that way, is Jesus. God loved us so much, He sent His son to earth to die on the cross for our sins...(john 3:16 and hebrews 9:22b.) Christ toom the punishment for our sins, by dieing on the cross. but did Jesus stay dead? NO! 3 days later He rose again and now He's in heavan waiting for us.
(i always forget that part!)
So. even though Jesus died for our's still up to us, to realize that we've sinned and that we need Jesus to forgive us of our sins. if we beleive that Jesus will forgive our sins...then He will forgive our sins. remember how sin was black? that's how we are. were Black! dark and blinded by sin. but Jesus can cleans us and make us as White as Snow! but that descision is still up to you. your parents can't make that descision for you. your friends can't make that descision for you. YOU have to make that descision.

so...if anyone wants to make that descision...i'll give you the chance in just a minute . but first i would like to pray with you guys, and while i'm praying, you can go ahead and raise your hand, and a leader will come over and take you somewhere..(???) and pray with you. (maybe i'll just tell them to do it by themselves...?)

(so i'll pray..Blah Blah Blah!)


so if any of you have prayed to JEsus and asked Him to forgive your sins...and that you beleive that He can do that...then your story has just begun. now we'll go to the color green!

this, i think is the most amazing color. what does green remind you of? (growth?)

green things grow. and just like green things grow, you can now grow deeper in your relation ship with Christ.

G-go to church
R-read your Bible
O-Obey Gods word?
W-Witness to others?

(the last two are always really sketchy with me. i probably accidentally make stuff up.)

anyways. that's how i'll try to do it. probably not word for word. but If God will it, i'll do an amazing job. :)

well. it's burning up in here. by.



Stephanie said...

Hey Carina-- Way cool craft! I'm not so much good at the crafts... I like the wordless bracelet. I hope the rest of your week goes well and isn't too exhausting. The verse you were looking for the referace is Rom. 6:23 (wages...). Have an awesome week!

Elaine Butler said...

the craft time went well today (bracelet). You did it very well. One thing to think about for next time:
As you write it, it's very clear, and you followed your plan almost word for word. The main difference was that you used the term "you guys" A LOT when you did it live, and not at all in your written version. It's probably just because you were nervous and talking to kids, and it didn't make it less effective to the children. It's just a good habit to get rid of before you have to start giving speeches to adults.
Thanks for running the crafts. You're doing a great job!

Carina said...

wow thanks elaine and stephanie...that's all encouraging. i wasn't tired today...God's obviously blessed me with some sort of spiritual energy! it's awesome.