Monday, November 03, 2008

one of the most emotionally draining days i have ever had, was a few days ago. i had been so depressed over school. i knew that when i got off work that i would have to stay up till 4 the next morning working on a project due that day...for a class i will probably fail...but i did the project anyways. so i was a bit bummed, plus i forgot my phone at work and my food card as well so i was hungry. when i got to work, bob my boss called me into the office. *dread seeped down my spine* recap on the night before.

...inez the other PIC who was going to close the store with me, was really sick so she said she really needed to go home. and she really did. she looked like a zombie. so she left, i was by myself. alone. unexperienced. and lo-and-behold...HELL breaks loose about an hour after inez leaves. the store got slammed with customers. a checker never showed up and so i only had like 4 checkers. in the midts of being slammed customer terms...'every checkstand was full and the lines were backing up into the aisles..." DAVID! decides to get his FREAKING TILL JAMMED!!! what caused his till to jam? a bottle cap that he "absentmindedly" shoved under his till because he didn't know where else to put it. so, i am helping customers...trying to get people out as quickly as i can and get the store under control and David is FREAKING out! literally, i though he was going to have a melt down. the grace of of the most annoying customers ever comes through my line. this old man is notorious for taking like 20 minutes to write a check...and this bought me enough time to run up to the office, grab a screwdriver and run back down (he was still writing the check oblivious that i had even left...) i then spent about five minutes trying to pry the till open, david freaking out behind me, jake leaving his lunch to come down and check even though i didn't ask him to, and customers getting mad that david wasn't checking in his jammed till. GOSH! so i made david check in my till why i tried to figure out what i should do...then jake came up. my hero! and after another 5 minutes popped the till open. and david could go back to his till...and by slowed down considerably. on top of that...jake got his 400$ phone stolen, and he was blaming it on david...and he was in a "pity me...i hate my life" mood and he didn't want to work. so when he went back to lunch he took and extra 15 minutes...and James...another checker, told me that jake was late in getting off of his lunch and when james went on his lunch he took and extra 10 minutes...just to be "spiteful". and i really had no idea what to say to either of them. so i just let it slip. nothing got done that night. i did one little thing. when it came time to close i couldn't balance the safe, so i called inez...and she came down to the store, half dead...and balanced the safe for me. was such a horrible night.

sooo. all that said, bob called me into his office the next day, and i knew he wanted to talk to me about that night. i had already been on the verge of tears all day so as i slowly climbed the stairs, i could feel them welling up in my eyes and i knew...there was no way i was going to be able to hold them back.

i stepped into the office, bob said have a seat, so i sat, and he grabbed some papers started sorting them and said "so, tell me about last night." he didn't look at me. i just kindof said..."uuuuuuu....." and then he said lets go into the inner office so we don't get interrupted..." so i walked into the office...tears already pouring down. bob didn't see till he came in behind me, closed the door and turned to face me. he seemed a little shocked and he said "WHAT'S WRONG!!!!" and alls i could say was "sorry i'm crying..." i am lame. so for litteraly over an hour we sat in the office...and i cried the whole time. starting from the beginning of the day i told him everything that happened. my eyes were burning. i would control myself for a little bit..then bob would say something that would trigger more crying, like "your doing a great job really!" or "how did you handle jake and james?" ugh! after that dreadful meeting i ran to the bathroom. made my face look somewhat decent and i told myself i'd tell people i was getting sick if they asked about my eyes. then i ran around and tried to work hard. i went into the backroom and inez was there. she took one look at me and she said "you've been crying. what's wrong?" well...good job carina for making yourself look like you were ok! alot of good that did!!!! aaaah! so of course what do i do? i start crying again hahaha! and inez gave me a nice pep talk and told me not to let people walk all over me. gosh. i was so drained after that. i'm glad inez was there that day, and that she stayed!

and then...i went to school and stayed up till 4:30 am painting then i had to get up three hours later for class...and then after class...i took a 2 hour nap and then went back to work. oh boy! i was so exhausted. i just wanted to DIE!