Friday, April 13, 2012

Yesterday morning was a rollercoaster, and it didn't help that I spent the majority of the day before crying due to a burst of pregnancy hormones. I woke up, finding a text from Andrew that his wife had been diagnosed with a brain tumor. Just the night before he had asked me to pray for her, she had been complaining of an intense migraine and chest pains. He had taken her to the emergency room. The next morning I got that text, around 5 am, but didn't read it till about 9am. I went onto his profile, after texting him and asking him how he was doing, and realized through the condolences of other friends, that jennica had suddenly passed away. I was so shocked. I was supposed to see her at my baby shower. The last time I had been with her was a Christmas party at her house. Not a half hour after I found out, I had been crying the whole time, the hospital called and told me that the 24 hr urine sample I had turned in was high in protein and that I needed to come to the labor and delivery area asap for further testing and possibly being induced. If it hadn't been for the sudden death if jennica, I would have been nervous and scared, but it just made me.break down emotionally. I kept thinking that I had to stay strong for the baby and to not stress him out. After calming myself down, I called Taylors work and had them give him a message to call me back.  I then jumped into the shower to calm me down some more. Then Taylor called, in which I broke down again. I told him not to worry but to leave work immediately and take me to the hospital. Right after that my mom called and I was bawling the whole time I spoke to her, which probably scarred the poor woman. Finally Taylor came, changed, gave me a long and much needed hug, then I threw the baby bag, camcorder and phone charger into the car (if I was being induced, I was going to be slightly prepared.) We got to the hospital, where they put me into a triage room (where woman are put to be monitored if they are actually in labor or not.) From there, they put a baby monitor on me and a contraction monitor, and a blood pressure band that took my blood pressure every 10 minutes. We hadn't been in the room 20 minutes, when my mom randomly walked in. I had told her they were just doing tests, but she wasn't deterred. She stayed in the room for about half an hour, then went out and waited in the waiting room with my dad. After several hours of tests, an ultrasound, me getting some food, and more tests, they finally concluded that I had a bladder infection that could cause the urine tests to be misread. So I was given antibiotics, and on Monday I am to start another 24 hr urine sample in which they will analyze and determine if the protein really is high. If it is, I will be induced sometime next week. Until then I will be on bed rest.
     The whole time I was in the hospital I kept my thoughts of jennica out of my mind, which i feel horrible about. Although I knew I needed to try to keep my blood pressure low and my mind on my baby to keep him safe. After we got home, Taylor kept my mind clear by reading the first chapter of the Hobbit to me. It was calming and relaxing. But when he prayed with me right before bed, I just had so much pent in emotion, I just cried. And he held me. He was there for me. And i so appreciate it.
     Jennica. I will miss you. You loved Disney movies. You were always happy. You wanted to serve the Lord, along with your husband, overseas in Mongolia. You loved children and babies. You were married less than a year. And I am sad you will not be able to meet my baby, till we are in heaven. I knew you were excited about my baby shower, and I was looking forward to seeing you and catching up. It would have been nice. But the Lord had other plans. And I know that you are in His presence, seeing and feeling things so many of us are envious of. Give glory to the Lord, till I can do it with you. See you soon jennica.

Monday, April 09, 2012

Gotta love swelling feet. Easter this year was fairly nice, aside from me having to work, which created my lovely swollen feet. Taylor, yaz, Wesley, April, Melissa and Jake did a skit for the church and got a standing ovation. It even made me tear up. They did such a good job.