Saturday, March 31, 2007

okee dokee. one and only time i'll ever blog in india.

my most favorite time...getting to know everyone and driving! man...the greatest moments. watching mallory see india for the first time and hearing mellony expound on the horrors of driving.

and the work of God in all of our lives. He works so hard to make us beautiful. He works so hard to show us Pure Love. I've been memorizing a passage in James..i beleive James 3:5-6? about the tongue.

"See how great a forest is set aflame by such a small fire. and the tongue is a fite the very world of iniquity. the tongues is set among our members as that wich defiles the entire body..." and so on. i can't remember. and Luke 14:27 But whosever doth not bear his cross and follow after me cannot be my desciple. YES! :)

anyways. there are so many things that have happened. the sarcasm that keeps us all on our toes and the kids we meet and spend time with. Bryc's unbeleivable abbility to learn Tibetan and so on! it's all so bottomless. i could go on forever. the food and the neverending supply of Chow Mein at the Canteen. YAY! i can't wait to get back home so i can deal it out in bigger portions. Thanks God for the experience. i want to come back for a much longer stay.