Friday, October 17, 2008

so yesterday was my first OFFICIAL day of being a PIC. it was quite exciting. i got to close the store up, not by myself, but with Cindy (who is pretty much Co-Owner...) she was just doing random stuff, and i hardly saw her. i hadn't even started working and she came up to me and said "Carina, there are some things you need to address to one of the Checkers. he can't have pop in the checkstand, he needs to take his earing out and he doesn't have a nametag!" well, my stomache pretty much dropped. i knew i wouldn't be able to go up to this guy...who used to be "equal" to me, and now boss him around. and i had no idea what to say, so i ran up to the manager Bon and told him what cindy had told me. he was really nice and said "lets both go up to the office and we'll both talk to him." so we did, and bob did all of the talking, i just kind of sat there looking retarded. oh well. you can only learn by experience. after that it was all really easy. i got the nerve up later that night, to ask the courtesy to mop up this gross collection of dirt that had been at the end of aisle 8 for quite a while. and i couldn't figure out how to balance the safe so Cindy did that while i counted out the lottery and my till. it was all quite exciting. and when it came time for me to put my code to lock the store up, the code that bob gave me didn't work, and cindy didn't have one, and bob didn't answer his we just left it unlocked. this doesn't mean you can go and break into thriftway. that problem has been fixed lol :)

so anyways. last night some girl, who i still have yet to meet, slept in our room. she was here to see the school and stay on campus. and by the time i got off of work, she was asleep. and she left before i got up. sortof like what Me and Hannah do hahaha. last night i set my alarm to get up at 7ish, so i could make it to my dreded English Comp class, and i forgot to make it 7am! so...i woke up at 7:59 and my class was at i laid there for a few minutes dazed and wondering what i should do and i just fell back to sleep. hannah woke me up half an hour later and said "hey, you have class in half an hour..." and i mumbled..."i had class half an hour ago...." thus began my day today. i'm sortof glad i missed that class. i wasn't prepared. and none of my classmates in that class asked me where i was in my pentateuch class. it must not have been to tramatic not having me there...

well, my day will consist of a little homwork, and then i will go see alissa and get some laundry done at home. man, i love the weekends.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hurray! i officially became a PIC (Person In Charge) today. that means i'm the boss of quite a few people. and i'm a tad bit nervous. i hope i can become a good leader, and hopefully this will help me as many ways as God will allow. this also means i'll be getting a nice raise, and more responsibility.

anyways, i'm again procrastinating and i am not studying for that Pentateuch quiz i have tomorrow. drats! :) i best be off. peace!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

ok. it's time to talk about my room mate. her name is Hannah Mihalsky. she just turned 25 and i sadly had to miss her birthday party, due to work. the first night i met her, i creeped her out. she made a comment to crystal, my little sis, that if i fell off of my top bunk that they would have to pick up my pieces. i of course, imagined all my bloody body parts strewn all over the floor. i mean, come on, wouldn't you think that? well, i said "OH that's gross..." and she gave me this look like "your so morbid, how could you let yourself think like that?" hahahha, it was pretty funny. it was then in that moment that i knew me and hannah would have an interesting relationship. later that night, i was on my top bunk, swinging my legs over the side, to get off, and there is this ceiling fan, pretty much eye level with me. and i randomly mumbled, mainly to myself, "wow, that would hurt if that sliced into my face!" again, hannah just looked at me with a horrified expression. ther have been several similar moments, many i can't think of, where i would say things, that to me, are a normal way of thinking. she's just "sheltered" in a different way than me. oh well,. she's cool.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

well. i ended up staying up till three the other day at school. i was supposed to read about 60 chapters in the book of Genesis for two pentateuch quizes the next day (becasue i skipped the quiz the week before i had to do two quizes...) and i got about half way through the second quizes reading when i decided to take a twenty minute nap. and hannah, my roommate who also was going to stay up all night, decided to grab my camera and take pictures of me whilst i was asleep with my Bible in my lap. well, after i woke up i could barely keep my eyes open, so i just went to bed and lived by faith the next day. i hope i did good on those quizes :)

mid semester break has been so refeshing. even though i've had to work half the time. the first day that i had off, i didn't have to work. and i just did nothing. it felt kindof good, to just sit around and watch tv and play video games ;) , but after a few hours i was getting ancy and i wanted to do something constructive, which i didn't.


well, i've been distracted by tv once again. see ya