Tuesday, March 09, 2010

So yesterday i got so mad at work. Probably the madest i have ever been. It started when i got on. Tyler, a courtesy clerk who has been with the company well over two years, had started his shift at 8am. I started at 2 pm which meant he had 2 and a half hours left to finish all of his tasks. I walked the store to see all he had done, wich was absolutely nothing. I then told him he had until 4 to get everything done and then him and i would walk the store and i would check his work. He went off working, and I went and did my stuff. At four he was still working on stuff, wich really should have been done by the time i got on, so i gave him an extra 15 minutes. We then walked through the store, and he had hardly gotten anything done. The eggs weren't filled, the bottleroom was not cleaned or organized, the floors were dirty and not swept, the beer and soda weren't faced. Ahhh it made me so mad. So after i pointed all of that out i looked him in the eyes and ssternly said "You have been slacking so much lately, it's rediculous. I assume you want your job. You had better start impressing me otherwise you won't have one. Everything that we just looked at should have been don't BEFORE i got on. You really need to pick up the pace on stop slacking!" I think i actually scared the poor kid. He kept saying "yah, your right." then i told him to go home. So that was tyler. I really hope he gets better, because he really is a nice kid.
So the rest of my day was uneventful. It was a nice easy day, and i was getting everything done. That night we had to get ready for the floor crew by pulling all floor displays off of the floor so they could clean them. There were these three tables in front by the checkstands that had a bunch of little debbie snacks, which after we closed i was going to just pick up and move into the checkstands. Well, i was making my usual round of the store when i came up front and saw Matt with a shopping cart, throwing all the Little Debbie snacks into it. I looked at matt and asked him what he was doing. He said he was getting ready for the floor crew. i then said "No put those back. we can just pick the table up and move it." he gave me this dumb look and said "uh i really don't think thats a good idea." I then said "Matt put them back. I picked this table up just the other night!" He grumbled and then started putting them back. A few minutes later I walked back up front and matt had another cart that he was putting these mini watermeolons in, which were in this little cardbord box. I asked him why he was doing that and to put them back because, yet again!, we can just move them easily into the checkstands. He then looked me in the eyes and said, "Carina i am going to have to disagree with you this time, i don't want to make a mess." I got so mad. I said it wouldn't make a mess, but he just ignored me. WOW! i was so mad. I just walked away. I didn't want to say anything that i would regret later. Just the fact that he refused to listen to me when i was making a descision really irritated me. ah. Oh well. It sounds like it wasn't that big of a deal, but i have always had trouble with this particular cashier. He never listens to me, or he will sit there and argue with me. Usually i just shrug it off, i really don't like conflict, but now it just REALLY makes me mad, that my authorty would be questioned.
well, i guess such is life as a manager. It was bound to happen.