Sunday, April 29, 2007

Let's see. I got several book ofline. all of them Really awesome and POWERFUL. Jesus Freaks and Voice of the Martyr's and all the other books centered around persecuted Christians. People with faith so strong they sacrifice the life of this world and gain glory for God in Heavan by giving up there lives, and the comfort of "no pain". An 18 year old boy was killed by having his stomach sliced opened in 1999 in some country, (sorry forgot where) all because he wouldn't deny Christ to these radical Muslims. His parents found him a few days later. Story after story. detail after detail of my Brothers and Sisters who i will only meet in God's Glory in Heavan. I can't wait. i have another book called Hearts of Fire. it's an awesome book about 8 different women who were persecuted for there faith. each story is awesome! i suggest you read it.

anyways. it's been a few weeks after india. God was really speaking to me the few weeks before we left. I remembered this one time when i was younger, like 8, just after i made the decision to truly beleive that Christ died for me and that i'd follow Him the rest of my life. a man came to our church and he had just come from Africa. he had slides and he talked about his trip. and i remember becoming so excited. i prayed that the ord would make me a Missionary. i wanted to serve God in that way. and i was really passionate about that. about a day later i had completely forgotten all about that. i was off running through forests building forts with my brother. but just about a month ago it just randomly popped back in my head all of my conviction and passion i had felt that day in Clackamas Bible Curch. and it was as if God were telling me, "I heard you and i didn't forget. Look at the opportunity before you. Take it." and i did. Three times now the Lord has granted me to go to India. i don't know if He's preparing me for a much bigger task. i don't know if He's preparing me for something other than Missions. alls i know, is right now, i have a deep passion for missions. and i need to take that up and go with it...

what now...