Monday, July 05, 2010

So for the past few weeks, taylor and I had been planning on hiking up multnomah falls on the 4th of july. Me, being my forgetful self, forgot to ask for it off, so i had to work at 1:30. We decided to get up really early so we would have time to hike up and enjoy the views and the falls. So we got up and left around 6 am. I was so tired, and the night before i had had the worst night at thriftway where everything was going wrong, to put it bluntly i was in a very sour mood. I kept trying to enjoy taylors company but it was really hard. so we were driving along and taylor would ramble on about something, being his normal silly self, and i was slowly growing more annoyed. at one point i was trying to vent to him, to let him know how horrible of a night i had had, but in the middle of me talking he interrupted and rambled on about something else. I then just wanted to cry and i had a feeling that the morning hike would not be a very fun one. we arrived at Multnomah falls and started hiking. I was still really chilly and i had forgotten my jakcet so taylor let me wear one of his sweatshirts. It was nice and peaceful and there was no one around except some man wandering around with a camera. i finally decided after hiking for about ten minutes that i wasn't going to let the night before, ruin my day with taylor and i tried to ignore it. we made it to the top and we stopped and looked down at the falls. we talked a little and then we threw a couple pennies down the falls, just for fun, ya know. ha. then we continued hiking. there was this spot that taylor and i had visited last year that was so nice. there were a couple rocks sitting in the middle of the stream that you could sit on and there was a waterfall in front and it looked really pretty. As we approached that spot taylor asked me if i wanted to stop there for a while. I didn't want to because we would have had to walk through the icy cold water and i was still a little chilly. Taylor seemed a little upset, but i didn't pay much attention to it. so we kept hiking and i really had hoped we could get to the very top this time. we passed the nice romantic spot that taylor had wanted to go to, and a little ways ahead was another area where you could sit and look at another waterfall. this one you had to climb up a big rock and we found a tree that had fallen over that we sat on. we were sitting there enjoying eachothers company, watching the waterfall, and talking, when all of a sudden, taylor said "So I gotta question for ya." he looked at me and he looked really serious. but i thought nothing of it since taylor always had very odd questions he always asks me. i said ok, and he said very dramatically "are you ready?". i had thought odd....but "yes" i said. then he said even more dramatically "are you really ready?" "yes!" i said. i was very curious. then practically yelling he said "are you really really sure your ready!!??" "haha yeah! what!!!??" i said. then he whipped out his hand and in it was a box with a ring in it and he softly said "will you marry me?"

WOW! i was so in shock but without hesitating i said YES! then i said "really!? you serious?" and he said he was, and then i started to cry. hahaha! After all that time of me telling myself i would never cry when asked to marry someone, there i was blubbering like a baby. i don't remember putting my hand out, it was all a blur but he put the ring on and then we were kissing. aaaah, it was so nice. i remember i kept apologizing for crying and he kept saying it was ok. he seemed so scared and when we hugged, he was shaking. later i found out that when he kept asking me if i was ready, the ring had fallen out of the box and into it's lid and he was trying to put it back with one hand. hahah, silly taylor. i love him so much! so i finally calmed down but i wa still in shock. it took about half an hour for that foggy feeling to wear off. by then we were halfway down the trail. we had fun hiking back. people were passing us, and at one point we saw a man sitting on a rock and just as we were passing him i saw a little mouse like thing hop past me. i pointed it out to talor and i squealed! "look at the mouse!" and the guy in a very serious, and soft voice said "thats a pyke. only found in the gorge. they are almost exctinct..." he mumbled more about it and then me and taylor walked away and had a few laughs about that. then we drove to a truck stop, got breakfast then we were so tired we just sat in his car for almost an hour just sitting and talking and man we were both so happy! aaah...i am SOOO happpy! AND i am so lucky to have a man like Taylor! :)