Wednesday, July 05, 2006


let me start off by giving a warm hug and a huge thank you to all of you who were apart of my "surprise birthday!" :) (well...kin i won't hug you.) Joy, Brent, Kim, Kin, Stephanie, LANellE! and my parents who pulled it off! Thanks.

it was really nice. and i had a great time.

now let me explaine to those of you who weren't there! EVERYTHING that happened.
well..yesterday was the 4th of July. and sadly i wasn't able to see joy that day. i did however run into a TON of people i knew. it was Freaky! and i also got to spend some really awesome quality time with my aunt tammy and my cousin joey and my parents. it was good. the fireworks were awesome.
after the show, we went home where my family sang happy birthday to me and we had some really good cake.
well. my parents said. you have to wait until "later (aka...tomorrow!)" for your present. so i go to bed. trying to form into my mind what they possibly could have gotten me. i know i had been subtly hinting for a computer or a car. but who knows with them. so i finally drift to sleep.

7:30!!!! IN THE MORNING!!! pulls up and my mom is waking me up. Carina! she says in my doorway! get up, we leave in half an hour! (actually, we left in an hour, not "Half-an-Hour!" so...i was dazed, wondering why we had to leave, where we were going and why such an early time. so i eventually figure out it's for my birthday (DUH) and asked my mom what i should wear. in my mind, i was thinking...ahhh...never mind. she said "whatever's comfortable". so...pass all the ransom things i do in the morning and piling into the car. i then imagine us driving to Fri's Electronics, and my dad saying..."Carina...we're getting you a computer today. pick whatever you want!" so i was basically imagining what i should get for my new computer...obviously so engrossed in myself! and we puul onto the highway, twenty minutes later. i'm staring out the window, and lo-and-behold i see a green Corrola. now for those of you who don't know. Lanelle drives a green Corrola. these were my thoughts..."WOW! that's looks just like lanelles Corrola! that'd be so crazy if she were driving right next to us. i wonder what she could possibly be doing on the road heading This direction..." and as those thoughts were swisting through my mind. Kin butler was in the back seat! (this is where my mind took a deep breath and just stopped working!) what was he doing here! my dad slowly inched forward more (he was going much faster than the "driver") and again! LANELLE! driving the car!!! and JOY!!!!!! JOY beside her! WHAT!!!


can i say it again


wow. it was weird. obviously nothing was amiss. my parents were taking me to fri's! i was so excited. i said "MOM! give me the cell phone!"

i flip open the phone, dial joys rang at leaste 5 times before she answered!
here's the conversation...from what i can remember...

"I just saw you driving on the freeway! (i was almost squeeling)
"yah, i saw you to (monotone voice)"
"what were you doing with kin butler in the back seat?"
"me and stephanie needed to go pick up applications"
"what are you doing?"
"well, my parents are taking me somewhere for my birthday, but i don't know where and they won't tell me."
" (this is where joy sounds really sad that she can't tag along.) oh...well, when you get there call me. i might be able to swing by for a bit."
"OK! i will!!!! ( i was very excited about that suggestion!)"
"ok...well...i should let you go now. (like you always say that!)"

so. i was blind. dumb. stupid. so engrossed in the stupid computer.
my dad, by then was way far ahead of them. he turned onto 82nd...andwe were almost past the town center when..."ring". joy calls. here's that conversation

"hi may i speak to carrie?"
"yes. may i speak to carrie?"
"uuh? she is."
...from here i still don't know what was being said. but we were pulling into Big Town Buffet. and that's when it hit me. they were in on it. i glanced behind me and there was lanelles car. BEHIND us!

my mom hands me the phone. i say"hey! what's going on!"
"we came to get win-co applications!" (yah right...i heard lanelle beside her say something about "it not being opened!" (winco is opened twnty-4 hours!) [way to use me detective skills!]

so. lenelle eventually pulls up. i had asked if i could "go get applications" with them. i hop in the back with stephanie and kin. and we just happen to pull into Dennies. all the while i was screaming at joy for lying to me! HAHAHAHA!!! (i love you joy!)
lanelle was saying something about getting applications at dennies! (and did i see any hiring signs!?)

so we start walking up to the door...and AGAIN! i see the dodrills drive up and park by lanelles car! how shocked i was! HOLY...COW! :)

it was funny.

so. it ended up being anice breakfast. which is one thing! i left the house without breakfast and was really hungry...

hahah. well. they sang happy birthday to me. in front of everyone. brent...turning to they were singing...saying "her names carina....she's 20....she has redhair..."

well. it was really nice.
and all said and done. my parents got me a computer.they're awesome!

so. now when i move out i'll be able to keep in touch. (that's what my mom was saying"

sorry to bore you with the minute details. but you had to hear.