Saturday, May 13, 2006

i would like to take a moment of your time...actually...since you've already made the decision to waste your time reading my ask you to take a step of faith and pray for some people. first off...YES i want you to take a step of faith in prayer. because what i want your prayer to be for is something that you may never leaste on this earth. God has graced the country of Asia with some outstanding missionaries. and they are who i would like you to pray for. the Lord has given me a thristy curiosity for those missionaries. there lives and what they've sacrificed to spread God's word in a place where Satan is thriving.

in Pakistan...Esther Bibi(not her real name)...was called by God to build Brick Kilns.she along with a pastor started up a church of 10 families, that met with her at her brick kiln...which was also her home. Many times she was warned by the kiln owner to stop having meetings. she refused evetytime. one day, he stormed into a meeting, slapped her face and told everyone to leave. she tol him that the muslims, who were mostly students, came willingly and voluntarily. he warned her, and two months later he crashed in again. this time he abducted her, raped and beat her. despite this, she is steadfast in her faith and she will continue to share Christ with the Pakistani people.

That is just one servant of God. there are so many. each with his own story. it amazes me. so, alls i ask you is if you could take at the leaste five minutes in prayer for these faithful servants.


Friday, May 12, 2006

hey everyone!!! check this out!!!
I MADE A QUIZ!!!! take it...i like it. :)


tell me what you think!!!!

and check this site out to!
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth full sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
5. Don't search around and look for the coolest book you can find. Do what's actually next to you.

"Presently they induced a peace so satisfying that tension gradully gave way and a fresh zest for life devloped."

thanks joy for the idea...i actually got this from your blog...that you wrote a few years ago, AND on the same page, i found that old picture of the Italian moped gang and the guy that looks just like jason...WHICH!!!! he does.

anyways. today will be a good day. leela is coming over for a while to watch crystal with em and while my mom and hers go out and do stuff. :)

hope it goes well. m,aybe i'll read mark chapter 4 with her! that's a good idea.
After the night, there's always a morning.
The shadows seem to just slipp away.
What once was fear, now was a listless dream,
Of demons and dark things and things not of the day.
Even in the darkness, the Lord waits for me.
Always shining, awaiting my plea.
Oh Lord guard my night as well as my day.
K eep it for you.
Feeling the night, just breath it in.
Taste the dark forcess creeping within.
There laughter echoes acroos...
waiting for the heart to stop.
But God awaits with them, in every corner.
Ready to defend and mark me as His.


Thursday, May 11, 2006

1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1
teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon ground allspice
Pinch of salt
8 ounces unsalted butter, at room temperature, cut into small pieces
2/3 cup granulated sugar
2/3 cup light brown sugar
2 eggs
2 cups quick-cooking (not instant) rolled oats
2 cups seedless raisins
1 1/2 cups coarsely chopped walnuts

In a mixing bowl, sift together the flour, cinnamon, baking soda, baking powder, allspice and salt. Set aside. In the large bowl of an electric mixer, using the paddle or beaters, or in a large mixing bowl using a hand-held electric mixer, beat the butter at medium speed just until soft and smooth. Add the granulated and brown sugars and continue beating; once the sugars are incorporated, raise the speed to high and continue to beat for several minutes until the mixture looks fluffy, stopping the machine from time to time to scrape down the side of the bowl and under the beaters if necessary with a rubber spatula. Reduce the speed to medium and, one at a time, add the eggs, beating just until smoothly combined. Add the flour mixture and beat at medium speed just until combined. Add the oats, raisins and walnuts and beat just until combined. On the kitchen counter, place a sheet of plastic wrap large enough to completely enclose the cookie dough. With the spatula, scrape the dough from the bowl onto the plastic wrap. Seal the wrap around the dough and refrigerate at least 2 to 3 hours or preferably overnight. Position the oven rack in the center of the oven and preheat the oven to 350 degrees and then line 1 or 2 baking sheets with parchment paper. Remove the dough from the refrigerator. With your fingers, pinch off golf ball-sized pieces of dough and roll them between your palms until round, then put them on the prepared baking sheets about 2 inches apart. Bake a sheet at a time until the cookies are slightly firm to the touch, 13 to 15 minutes, rotating the sheet after 7 to 8 minutes to ensure even baking. With a wide metal spatula, transfer the baked cookies to a wire rack to cool. If reusing the baking sheet, let it cool slightly before placing more balls of dough on it. Once the cookies have cooled, store in an airtight container at room temperature.

i challenge someone to make those!!! for st. patrick days!!!! :)

well, tonight, homegroup was awesome. :) the Lord was challenging me with some things, and showing me new things, and making me realize always, i cannot rightly remember what they are. someday one of those thoughts will spring up in my mind...but as of now, i think the Lord was only bringing them to my attention. is now 1:21 a.m. on the same day. i just dipped my hand in the pickle jar and ate a juicy dill pickle. mmmmm...the vinigar is still lingering on my tongue. me and my bro are still talking. in fact, i got him to make his own blog. :) and i have a link to it on my page!!! how exciting!!! :)

well, i might go to bed soon, and if not, you'll hear from me. :)

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

...well, it is presently 11:57 p.m. you may think that that is not late....but i'm dog tired. me and joy got to stay up late last night and "talk" and giggle like two dumb-founded little girls...ahhh...good times. of course. if i were to try to even describe some of the things we talked about during the wee hours of midnight, you wouldn't get fact...they're not even funny to us now that we've been able to sleep on it. but alls i know, is we had some deep discussions. ;) hahaha. anyways. joy. i hope you had a good time. i did. i always enjoy your company and hearing your happy laugh. OH!!!! AND GUESS WHAT!!!!! i got a guinea pig. i went to that one place that you told me about...when you were driving around with jason and david!!!! it turned out to be a hole-in the wall-feed store. the guy who worked there was really sweet. he was on crutches because he lost one of his was sad. he was telling us all about the guinea pigs that they had. there were four... and he seeemed a little sad that i was taking one. he petted it before i took it. but, he was a really nice guy, and i got a really nice GP! she! (yes...female....) has extremely long hair...(actually, it looks like the owners gave her a partial hair there is really short patches of hair and then reallllly long patches of hair...) white mostly with red and orange patches. very dark brown...maybe even black...eyes that somehow turn purpleish if you look at them correctly. she's really shy to. i read online that i need to let her run around my room everyday for her morning...Jazzercize. soo...yepp. if you want to come see my guinea pig...i guess you can :). just call first.

well...i'm talking to my bro online right i'll hit the road.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Blessed are those who trust in the LORD and have made the LORD their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank.
Jeremiah 17:7-8 NLT

God is Good. :)

today is a sunny day. it's so nice to see sun after a cold few days. it's just a constent reminder that darkness will always be deafeted by the light. that makes me HAPPY!!!!

hhahah. all that sounded weird. but that's ok.

here's a thought off the top of my head. ok....i can't think of anything. so i'll just...go.

Monday, May 08, 2006

okee dokee...i Think i have alot to talk about today. let's begin with last night. Jr.High Youth Group...(dun...dun...dun...)

the kids were kids, they weren't acting like "trying to grow-up into adults". K and M were really Bugging me. (just on a side and the pastor are conversing through e-mail about the ministry meetings...silly guy.) OK!!! let me vent this out...IT WAS JUST STUUUUUUPID PLAAAAAASTIC WRAAAAAP!!!!!! stupid particles of atoms...just like your skinny little bodies...and it won't give you an ulsar or a high allergic reaction...and you won't die...and everyone else won't think your dumb...GET OVER your high-profile what-ever it is thing that you've got and be just a little corroprotive for ONCE in your life!!! Please.

ahhhhhh.....that felt a little better. girls are so weird. i could never and will never understand them. and one thing i will never understand is why God put me in the possition to deal with them. it's not like i can sit down and know...i love to put on makeup and dilly dally with my hair and put on pretty clothes and flirt with boys and have crushes and talk about guys and whatever else they do!i've never...ever...done any of those...well, except for the "pretty clothes" thing. and i MAY have had a crush. i'm not to sure about that. but that's beside the point. the fact is.. the Lord has placed me in a possition to where i can't be on the same level as these matter how much i want to try. i feel completely stupid when i sit down and say "soooo....." and i can never think of anything else to say. thay must think i'm some stupid college person. matter how hard you try to encourage me in this it will be futile...i've already made the conclusion that these girls need someone who can at leaste Pretend to understand what is going on!!! i'm some blind and stupid when it comes to little jr.high girls. BUT....the other girls that are in the yg, i can totally understand. well, some... maybe God just wants to show me what these girls are like. i'm sure one day it will benefit me...but until then...i'm just going to have to deal with there dumbfounded attitudes during games...the lesson...worship...and small-groups. sad days ahead...

so, other than the dumb "plastic wrap inccedent" everything went...ok. the game was fun. i made a fool of my self by sqealing behind allicia vanmeeter when jake came running at me with a discuusting evil queer look on his face. i am now listening to some calming music so that I don't get an ulsar.

anyways. delving into this deep, horrendous stuff won't get me anywhere. and i think i'm just exploding this situation far bigger than it really is. so lets move on.

i spent all night last nigh...until like 2 in the morning...reading a stupid book that made me cry. i'm telling you guys this so that my evil secret will not be hidden anymore. yes...i cry when i read touching stories. (i'm so dumb) the KIDS DOG DIED!!!!!! what was i to do!!?!?!??! it was soo sad. at one point in the book, tears were just streamen down my face, uncontrolably, and i just started laughing. i imagined what it would've been like if someone like joy or my mom or brent walked in and saw me. i'd be so embarrassed. hahahah. it's pretty funny now. the book was good...but very sad in some areas. anyways.

today i get to sand down our walls. were going TO PAINT!!!!! THE INSIDE!!!!! it's going to be a ligh, off-white color. and then were going to tear out our disgusting rug and put up tile...(lanoleum tile...) it'll look nice. no more vacuuming. sweet stuff. :)

ok. so that's that. those were the things i wanted to talk about. have a good day whoever reads this...

Sunday, May 07, 2006

here's a really awesome verse! :)

If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But people who are alone when they fall are in real trouble.
Ecclesiastes 4:10 NLT

i suppose that's why i go to church and why i've chosen the friends i have. if i weren't able to go to church...and speak to all the friends i have there...and to hear brent preach on stuff...i'd lose site to why i'm even a christian. i would sit down in front of my Bible, all alone, and realize that being alone isn't the greatest thing...i would lose heart and probably falter. i'd give up. the people all around me are so crucial. they encourage me and show me that i'm not alone. it's like elijah! he did some amazing miricles. the antion of isreal had turned away from God and was worshipping Baalam. elijah, told king Obadia, to gather all the prophets of Baal, and meet him on a mountain top. so they did. elijah, then told them to take a bull, prepare it, put it on wood, and call to there gods and have them burn up the cow. they cried to there gods all one point elijah was mocking them...they began cutting up there bodies, in hopes that there blood shed would give there gods glory so they would cast fire down...but they never did. the next was elijah's turn. he called to a bunch of servants and told them to fill up 4 huge barrels of water and dump it all over the meat and the wood. he had them do it 4 times and it ended up filling up the trench that was around the altar. then he called upon God. and God sent down fire and burned up the meat, the wet wood and the water in the trench. once the people saw this they bowed down and recognized God as God! then elijah had them grab the prophets (about 400 of them) and he brought them to a river and killed them. powerful story isn't it!!!! it's awesome!!!
but then jezebel heard about it and told elijah that..if he weren't dead by a certain time....that she prayed that she'd be like baals prophets. (that shows how devoted she was) so elijah fled. and hid on a mountain and wanted to die. he wanted to die..even after the Lord destroyed all those prophets

DARN!!! i have to go to church now..but i will come back and finish this thought later! :)

Elijah is such an awesome man. set apart for the glory and honour of God to do is work, and whatever God commanded. i was just reading 1 kings 18 and 19. two very awesome chapters!