Monday, May 08, 2006

okee dokee...i Think i have alot to talk about today. let's begin with last night. Jr.High Youth Group...(dun...dun...dun...)

the kids were kids, they weren't acting like "trying to grow-up into adults". K and M were really Bugging me. (just on a side and the pastor are conversing through e-mail about the ministry meetings...silly guy.) OK!!! let me vent this out...IT WAS JUST STUUUUUUPID PLAAAAAASTIC WRAAAAAP!!!!!! stupid particles of atoms...just like your skinny little bodies...and it won't give you an ulsar or a high allergic reaction...and you won't die...and everyone else won't think your dumb...GET OVER your high-profile what-ever it is thing that you've got and be just a little corroprotive for ONCE in your life!!! Please.

ahhhhhh.....that felt a little better. girls are so weird. i could never and will never understand them. and one thing i will never understand is why God put me in the possition to deal with them. it's not like i can sit down and know...i love to put on makeup and dilly dally with my hair and put on pretty clothes and flirt with boys and have crushes and talk about guys and whatever else they do!i've never...ever...done any of those...well, except for the "pretty clothes" thing. and i MAY have had a crush. i'm not to sure about that. but that's beside the point. the fact is.. the Lord has placed me in a possition to where i can't be on the same level as these matter how much i want to try. i feel completely stupid when i sit down and say "soooo....." and i can never think of anything else to say. thay must think i'm some stupid college person. matter how hard you try to encourage me in this it will be futile...i've already made the conclusion that these girls need someone who can at leaste Pretend to understand what is going on!!! i'm some blind and stupid when it comes to little jr.high girls. BUT....the other girls that are in the yg, i can totally understand. well, some... maybe God just wants to show me what these girls are like. i'm sure one day it will benefit me...but until then...i'm just going to have to deal with there dumbfounded attitudes during games...the lesson...worship...and small-groups. sad days ahead...

so, other than the dumb "plastic wrap inccedent" everything went...ok. the game was fun. i made a fool of my self by sqealing behind allicia vanmeeter when jake came running at me with a discuusting evil queer look on his face. i am now listening to some calming music so that I don't get an ulsar.

anyways. delving into this deep, horrendous stuff won't get me anywhere. and i think i'm just exploding this situation far bigger than it really is. so lets move on.

i spent all night last nigh...until like 2 in the morning...reading a stupid book that made me cry. i'm telling you guys this so that my evil secret will not be hidden anymore. yes...i cry when i read touching stories. (i'm so dumb) the KIDS DOG DIED!!!!!! what was i to do!!?!?!??! it was soo sad. at one point in the book, tears were just streamen down my face, uncontrolably, and i just started laughing. i imagined what it would've been like if someone like joy or my mom or brent walked in and saw me. i'd be so embarrassed. hahahah. it's pretty funny now. the book was good...but very sad in some areas. anyways.

today i get to sand down our walls. were going TO PAINT!!!!! THE INSIDE!!!!! it's going to be a ligh, off-white color. and then were going to tear out our disgusting rug and put up tile...(lanoleum tile...) it'll look nice. no more vacuuming. sweet stuff. :)

ok. so that's that. those were the things i wanted to talk about. have a good day whoever reads this...

1 comment:

Meredith said...

It is hard, yes. Connecting is tough when it seems you have nothing that relates. It really helps to pray for them. This may sound cliche but it is a proven remedy, but some cases may take longer than others. When I worked at summer camp, it was sometimes VERY hard to connect with the campers. Connecting sometimes meant serving in the background as some of the more outgoing counselors took the lead, but when someone looked for a serious discussion, they often looked to one of us quiet-types!