Sunday, November 19, 2006

LALALA! i'm trying to hear above my dogs bark. she gets so protective of Crystal. even when my mom just brushes her hair Mocha goes crazy.

i've been considering college. but before i make a move i need to discuss it with my boss. if i were to go i'd take a buckload of art classes and a basketteball class. so yah. i hope i can at leaste take one class or two art classes. especially the WELDING class!!!! that was so awesome and exciting!

....a while later...



i just got back from church this morning and i got to see the Longs and there pictures and everything they've done and will continue to do. it was really exciting! i enjoyed it.
keep praying for them. for me, they were just people our church supportes. but now that i've actually seen them and heard them and have been able to see what they're accomplishing, i feel like i can actually pray for them. anyways. i'm off to get a bigger cage for my guinea pig. ttyl.