Thursday, April 20, 2006

i stated in a previous post, how much i love's moving, it's powerful. it's a God given talent. one form of poetry that i failed to point out was music. i love music. (i hate tyring to make music...but i love to listen.) so. i'll devote this post to a song, that whenever i try to explaine it to someone (because i don't sing to people), they've never heard of it. so here are the words to the song. it's sung by ray boltz. but i'm not sure if he wrote them or not. :)

I dreamed I went to heaven And you were there with me; We walked upon the streets of gold Beside the crystal sea. We heard the angels singing Then someone called your name. We turned and saw a young man running And he was smiling as he came.
And he said, "Friend you may not know me now." And then he said, "But wait, You used to teach my Sunday School When I was only eight. And every week you would say a prayer Before the class would start. And one day when you said that prayer, I asked Jesus in my heart."

Thank you for giving to the Lord. I am a life that was changed. Thank you for giving to the Lord. I am so glad you gave.

Then another man stood before you And said, "Remember the time A missionary came to your church And his pictures made you cry. You didn't have much money, But you gave it anyway. Jesus took the gift you gave And that's why I'm here today."

Thank you for giving to the Lord. I am a life that was changed. Thank you for giving to the Lord. I am so glad you gave.

One by one they came Far as the eye could see. Each life somehow touched By your generosity. Little things that you had done, Sacrifices made, Unnoticed on the earth In heaven, now proclaimed.

And I know up in heaven You're not supposed to cry But I am almost sure There were tears in your eyes. As Jesus took your hand And you stood before the Lord. He said, "My child, look around you. Great is your reward."

Thank you for giving to the Lord. I am a life that was changed. Thank you for giving to the Lord. I am so glad you gave.

wasn't that nice. :)

anyways. there's more where that came from. but another time.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

okee dokee.

today, i promised masami yamamoto, that i'd cal mozelle penna and now i only have a few minutes to acomplish this before i see her in the flesh at awaanas. oh well. life goes on. masami will probably pick on me.

so. today was absolutely amazing. God gifted us with yet another amazingly beautiful day without dreary rain. i will admit. there are moments when rain has it's deepest qualities. that'd be in the midst of summer when the heat is almost unbearable. that's when rain is refreshing and fresh. but after months and months of puddles and wetness. you want heat and warmth and SUNSHINE!!!! and we got it today. it was so nice out that i took my dog for a walk over across the street from my house. it was such a nice walk and mocha is so good on the leash. (and yess...that's her in the picture.) some random aldy who was fishing commented on her coat and color. (weird stuff. :) and it was in ALL a nice relaxing walk.

then i came home and crystal was taking a nap so me and my mom had a nice quiet afternoon. we played yahtzee and talked and listened to old 70's christian rock.

not much else happened today. i began another journal. which reminds me that i still havn't finished my India journal....RATS!!! anyways. better get that caught up or masami and brent will have my head! :( sad stuff goin on over here these days.


ttyl. (i feel like i'm talking to myself and in all reality i am.)

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

A young woman stood before a judge. She was guilty of breaking the law and the judge had to sentence her. The penalty was so stiff, however, that there was no way she could ever pay it. Sobbing in repentance, the young woman begged for mercy. The judge knew that her cry for forgiveness was sincere, and he knew she could not pay. So in an unprecedented act, he removed his robe, stepped down from the bench, walked up to the bailiff and paid her fine. The judgment against her was fair. She deserved to be punished, but there was one thing different about this case: The judge was also her father. He loved her so much that he paid the fine for her.

amazing story! can you think of someone who would do that for you?

well...i have 3 fathers. (aka dad's)

1) ken. he would never consider becoming a judge...let alone pay my price. from what i know of family history. he would probably shrug his shoulders and walk away.

2) terry. he would also never consider becoming a judge. but if given the chance, he would probably do everything in his power to ease my judgement. although...being that i deserved it, he probably would still punish me.

3) God. (yes...God my Father.) He's already done this, through His Son Christ Jesus! Christ left His throne of power to come down on this earth and sacrifice His body for my debts. for the debt of those who would only choose to beleive in Him.

amazing isn't it. God is powerful and trustworthy. everyday He shows me something. everyday He molds me into something more beautiful than before. He's truly God.


now that i got that out of my system (because it really was burning in me to put that in my little computerized journal.).

one of my most favorite passages in the Bible, that i could read everyday and never get tired of it. not only is it God's word, but it's very beautifully written. in Phillipians 2

5Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:
6Who, being in very nature[a] God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,
7but made himself nothing,
taking the very nature[b] of a servant,
being made in human likeness.
8And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself and became obedient to death—
even death on a cross!
9Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
and gave him the name that is above every name,
10that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.

that's an amazing passage. so awesome!!! :)

Monday, April 17, 2006

#10!!!! stephanie commented on my blog for the 1st time!!! :)

two computer graphic artworks i created in my spare time.

i really really like poetry. it's a form of art that holds alot of emotion and expression. at least that's how i see it. here's one of my most favorite poems.

Gaily bedight, A gallant knight,In sunshine and in shadow, Had journeyed long, Singing a song,In search of Eldorado.

But he grew old-- This knight so bold--And o'er his heart a shadow Fell as he found No spot of groundThat looked like Eldorado.

And, as his strength Failed him at length,He met a pilgrim shadow- "Shadow," said he, "Where can it be--This land of Eldorado?"

"Over the Mountains Of the Moon,Down the Valley of the Shadow, Ride, boldly ride," The shade replied--"If you seek for Eldorado!"

that's a nice poem. written by Edgar Allen Poe!!! he's one of my favorites. my most favorite poem that he wrote is "The Raven". but it's to long to post. so here's a link. read it. it's a most fascinating poem.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

ok,you may think i'm stupid. i don't care. but as soon as i got home today...i decided to hop on my parent scomputer and "blog"...i hate the word blog. i'd rather say "write down my thoughts for the day." that's it. thoughts for today and the exciting things that has happened to me. well...

1) i got up really early and was picked up by lanelle and went to a sunrise service.
2) got to go hang out with lanelles kids and watch cartoons with them
3) got a false alarm that Shawnna was going to have her baby!
4) went and watched the church quire practice for this mornings service
5) actually went to church. got to even sit by mozelle!!!
6) found out my mom locked herself out of our house while i was away and didn't have car keys so she had to walk all the way into to town to church. so we eneded up going over to the wiseman's for the day.
7) got to hang out with joy and jason and austin AND mary and jim for almost a WHOLE day!!!
8) made date plans with joy and mary and we're going to buy fabric for pajama pants tomorrow
9) made it home and now i'm relaxing in front of the computer.
10) uum....??? (i really just wanted to reach #10)

anyways. those were my highlights for today. and the things that stuck in my mind the most.

good times.