Sunday, May 07, 2006

here's a really awesome verse! :)

If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But people who are alone when they fall are in real trouble.
Ecclesiastes 4:10 NLT

i suppose that's why i go to church and why i've chosen the friends i have. if i weren't able to go to church...and speak to all the friends i have there...and to hear brent preach on stuff...i'd lose site to why i'm even a christian. i would sit down in front of my Bible, all alone, and realize that being alone isn't the greatest thing...i would lose heart and probably falter. i'd give up. the people all around me are so crucial. they encourage me and show me that i'm not alone. it's like elijah! he did some amazing miricles. the antion of isreal had turned away from God and was worshipping Baalam. elijah, told king Obadia, to gather all the prophets of Baal, and meet him on a mountain top. so they did. elijah, then told them to take a bull, prepare it, put it on wood, and call to there gods and have them burn up the cow. they cried to there gods all one point elijah was mocking them...they began cutting up there bodies, in hopes that there blood shed would give there gods glory so they would cast fire down...but they never did. the next was elijah's turn. he called to a bunch of servants and told them to fill up 4 huge barrels of water and dump it all over the meat and the wood. he had them do it 4 times and it ended up filling up the trench that was around the altar. then he called upon God. and God sent down fire and burned up the meat, the wet wood and the water in the trench. once the people saw this they bowed down and recognized God as God! then elijah had them grab the prophets (about 400 of them) and he brought them to a river and killed them. powerful story isn't it!!!! it's awesome!!!
but then jezebel heard about it and told elijah that..if he weren't dead by a certain time....that she prayed that she'd be like baals prophets. (that shows how devoted she was) so elijah fled. and hid on a mountain and wanted to die. he wanted to die..even after the Lord destroyed all those prophets

DARN!!! i have to go to church now..but i will come back and finish this thought later! :)

Elijah is such an awesome man. set apart for the glory and honour of God to do is work, and whatever God commanded. i was just reading 1 kings 18 and 19. two very awesome chapters!

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