Saturday, June 24, 2006

Today was really, really good. But full of some emotional ups and downs...which i won't go into further detail. my day started out Disgusting. i realized i was being completely "un-humble" and wasn't listening to my mom ALL week. she kept telling me to get ahold of kim dodrill, about the VBS signs, and i kept putting it off. she also kept telling me to get ahold of Jake Cox, because he was going to make an easle to hold the VBS signs, and i needed to tell him how to do ir. i put that off to, thinking..."oh, jakes smart. if i don't call him he'll figure something out. that's not how life swings your way. come to find out, kim had wanted me to put the signs up at the beginning of last week, and jake never made an easle...because he didn't know what i wanted. so it all smacked me in the face this morning, when i finally decided to call kim. i felt like a jerk and i had completely let down kim. she blamed herself for miscommunication and her busyness...but i know that it wasn't her fault. i'm just dumb. and God forced down a hard lesson down my throat. "listen to your mother." "learn humility..." "always be humble". sorry kim.

well...after that blow to the face, God helped me up like a good and loving father. He let me realize that i have my own easle...and that kim wasn't going to fire me. so...i still feel like a jerk, greatly chastined, and not quite ready for crafts. i've prepared some crafts that are simple in style, but i hope to build that up with alot of talking and scripture. these kids, by the time i'm done with them, will hopefully be grounded in Gods truth. WELL that was my goal anyways.

ANYways. after all that, i ended up going with the yammamoto's to this Tibetan thing at oaks park. It was pretty nice. i'm glad i got to see joy and jason, and seeing Mike there was really awesome. i felt like running up to every tibetan ther and yelling "Tashi-de-lek!" while giving the respectable fold of the hands, and bow of the head.
it was exciting. God's awesome. i had some..."ok" tibetan food. the momos were a little to chewy and the rice was really watery. i feel sick already. anyways. afterwards, i got to hang out some more with the Yammamoto's. Kristen always surprises me with her deep love for God. she said alot of fascinating things. I felt like God was using her to open my eyes, just a little bit wider. I find that she is an awesome role model for us younger women...(me and joy...???). anyways. it was nice.

THEN! (whew! mouthfull!)

after that...i got to go to Rob Gaskills surprise birthday party. Got to see some was very tiring. got home, and then left AGAIN! my grandma and grandpa were in town. and wanted to see us. so we went over to there hotel. i got to drive my grandpa to Denny's, without a parent! it was farely exciting. we had some good talks. he told me my uncle Jim (who's the most awesome uncle in the world. he had LONG curly red hair!!!) is in college right now. i already knew he was studying to be a Biblical Archeologist...but my grandpa also told me that he's now a professor there. and they're paying for his tuition. My uncles awesome. his testimony is really awesome! he never beleived in God until like 5 years ago, in his forties...something just clicked. he used to be this huge computer programmer, but when Christ found him, he quit his job, and went to school to study to be a Biblical Archeologist! how awesome is that. not much later, he and his wife had there first kid. a girl...and now they have two! another girl! it's so awesome! :)

anyways. i was excited. got to hang out with my grandparents for a while, then came back home. where i am now, sitting here and typing up a storm. hope i didn't tire you out.

God is awesome.

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