Wednesday, June 21, 2006

let's see. what to talk about. let's talk about God...again!

i think i talk about God in the same repetitive fashion. let's spice it up a bit.

Your walking on a beach. The waves are intense. Splashing upon the shore, causeing havoc, but receeding and crashing to the shore once again. It's a repetition that happens every second of everyday, whether your present or not. Your in a forest. The wind blows and crashes through the trees, grabbing branches and foliage. Whipping them about with intense force. Causing creaking and groaning. The air fresh and crispe. Filled with growthe and newness of life. Every second of everyday, the Breath of God brings new life into the world. A baby rabbit in a burrow. A baby bird in a nest. A newborn baby in a hospital. Everyday, in your life God breathes something new in you. A new day brings a new outlook and a fresh start.

well, i'm not sure where i was going with that.

July is coming up. along with my 20!!! BIRTHDAY!!! :)


anyhow. along with my birthday and camp, come a job. and a new life. i guess. i have actually been pretty terrified of moving out. it's terrifying. but Brents last sermon really hit my hard. DUH! carina!!! God will walk you through all the tough stuff. i really liked what he said..."if God gave me wings, i'd fly" ."If God bid me fly, I 'd trust Him for the wings." that was pretty awesome. and...yah.

bedtime for me. it's ALMOST 11!!!

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