Friday, June 30, 2006

This last day of VBS went off with fire leaste in my mind. When the Puppet-people gave the kids an opertunity tp make a descision to follow Christ...several of the older kids raised there hands and followed me and vyna and thomas upstairs. so i took 3 girls. and they totally understood why they were there. i asked them if they understood that they sinned and because of that they would go to Hell, unless they beleived in Jesus. and they did! (i asked that in a different way...) and so i prayed for them, and while i was praying i gave them the opportunity to pray and asked the Lords forgiveness and to beleive in Him. i did hear one girl whispering a prayer, and the other two were silent. but i was still so excited. they were really sweet girls. two of them went to church regularly, the other girl said her dad was lazy sometimes and wouldn't go. but i encouraged them...and reminded them that there friends who don't know Christ are also going to Hell, and they need to tell them about Jesus! it was all-around a really awesome, God-led conversation. the girls were really open! it was amazing.

i want to ask you guys to continue to pray for these three girls. i hope they grow stronger in the Lord. i'm so glad i was blessed in talking with them.

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