Saturday, July 01, 2006

I feel like a Whirl-wind just swept through my body, and stole my breath...which has now returned after the end of VBS. i will say...Crafts...needs more than one person. one person can barely hold it up alone. it's like suicide. especially when they've never done it before. i suppose it was by the grace of God that i didn't collapse and die right there in front of the kids. :) (slight exageration) and i also want to say i'm very proud of all the leaders. Kim Elaine My Mom Dawn (that one couple..) and anyone else i completely forgot (sorry) Thomas Justin Mozelle yah...thanks. you guys were awesome. Vyna and Barb did some really good snacks. and the Puppeteers were awesome to! ok. i'm burying the memory of exaustiveness..and remebering how many kids were subject to hearing God's word. Thanks God. and can i also say...Thanks God for making the week fly by? it felt like a day went by, by the time the week was over.

now...i have a week of slight recooperation...and i'm off to deal with some jr.highers. Shelby and kayla have been Bugging me. they keep telling me i need a camp name. now what should be my camp name?

here's a list and you guys tell me which one you like best!

3)Fish 'ina Bottle
4)AroraBor E Alice
7)Blackheart the Pirate
8)Bloodvein the Assasin
10)Hot Chickadee
11)blue sparroe
13)Captain Barkley


any other suggestions,


thanks if you have one. if you don't you can just forget about ever coming on my blog again.

just kidding. :)

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