Thursday, August 10, 2006

I forgot how excited I get when i look at my Artwork! I feel like screaming "YESS!!! I accomplished something!!!" I give total thanks to God and my Drawing teacher, Dave something! He was pretty awesome. Granted he did make cry like THREE times! (in the privacy of outside where no one would even notice me and where i could aks God why he gave me such a jerk of a teacher) But he did push me to my limits, almost to insanity, but I loved every moment when he would come over and critique my work. He'd just stand there, and all my work would stop and i'd stare at him. Wondering what He would say...normally he would say "It looks great keep going!" which was not what i wanted to hear! i wanted him to give me feedback, i wanted him to tell me what to do next. But now that I think about it, it just gave me a feeling of "smartness?" encouragement and a drive to keep doing what i was doing but even better! other times he would tell me what he "thought" i should do, but it was up to me. (again not really helping me!). well, he was a good teacher. I hope i can take another class with him. Is crazy fascination with "O brother Where ART THOU" SOUNDTRACK. yah, it was good. Another thing that i enjoyed were the people. There were about four or five other artists who were above me in knowledge...(i hate saying this...) and the rest were obviously below me in knowledge. Those above me a really looked up to. I was fascinated with there knowledge of drawing and it made me want to get to where they were. Especially this guy, Rocky was his name. He was amazing. I always listened to there critiques, and watched there style and way of drawing. it was a good experience. Even those who were drawing for the first time, I listened to there critiques. I leraned so much from those many classes in the Early morning. I can'e help but thank God for the opportunities He's given me.

anyways. have a good day.


Lanelle said...

Number one: I am excited that KC is coming back to the states. extremely happy for your family!

Number two: Hope to see you tonight

Number three: I've got a blog again. haha.

Number four, I am glad for the opportunities God has given you as well!

Number five, geez, this word verification thing is rediculous, there are eight letters there!

Carina said...

HAHAH! that's awesome!

Stephanie said...

Carina! I was thinking about you and I remembered this post that I wrote back in Januaury. It's about you! copy and paste this url and read it... haha. It happened in Fred Meyer

Elaine Butler said...

Wouldn't it take a boxer or a plastic surgeon to de-face a celebrity?
And wouldn't the celebrity sue, either way?