Sunday, August 06, 2006

Alright. I'm back and I'm ready for action.
camp is completed. With many Godly convictions on the teenage girl's parts! It was quite awesome to watch. Now alls i have to do is pray that they don't forget the presence of God and His power that He showed them throughout the past four weeks of girls that i've "lived" with.

so. what did i learn throughout this last week.

I am not as "coherent" (?) to God as i once thought.
the situation was this.
so there was this girl in my cabin who was going into jr.high. all the rest of the girls were going into highschool. (yes, they normally try to keep the same ages in the same cabins, but through many divine plans and whatnot...i ended up with her.) so i could tell she was nervous and probably unsure of how to act around these older girls, so she automatically reverted to "annoying little sister" mode. Constantly not joins the discussions, acting like a baby and being annoying and rambunctious to all the other girls. at one point i felt the "need" to take her on a walk. no words were coming to my mind, so instead of asking the Lords guidance, i blurted out that she was being rude. not in a mean way. i said it quietly and calmly. and then i said i understood she was the youngest and blah blah blah...

so. that was that. i told her i wasn't mad at her. and let go and play some random game she really wanted to play. so i never thought much about that situation, but i felt kindof "bad" or "disgusted" about how i went about it. well, it wasn't;'t like i strangled her, like i almost did kat and mo...but still felt weird.

so the last day of the weeks rolls in, and it was our last discussion. i was heading towards the cabin. thinking of questions and stuff. when my other co-counselor, comes to me and says she is going to talk to the girl before discussion. i knew her intentions were pure and God-led. and then it was as if God was telling me "hey, i honestly, gave you the one-on-one time that you needed, that one day...butyou slacked of and let it slide. but don't worry, Sarah's (my co-counselor) has take it up." well. that's what i learned. i'm not sure how to put into words. Listen to God harder than you think you are. i'm sure you can understand how pathetic i felt towards God.

But, those are the times where He teaches me the most.

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