Sunday, July 24, 2016

The Aniversery Hike

Today (July 23) Taylor and I began our first overnight hammock camping trip for our 5 year anniversary. We woke up at 7 am struggled out of bed around 7:30, made last minute packing changes and then we were off. Of course our trips couldn't be a trip without forgetting something and having to go to Walmart in Troutdale. Our plan was simple, to head to horsetail falls past multnomah falls and hike up the trail to Oneonta trailhead and do a loop that had some beautiful Vistas and waterfalls. The hike itself was grueling, why did I pick a place that was classed as a difficult double diamond hike? Not only that, my pack had to weigh about 15 pounds more than Taylor's. Who's idea was it to carry all the food!? We clamored through steep switchbacks, or zig zagging paths over rocky terrain. We kept passing and being passed by these two ladies who once offered us some dried mango to which I weezed "noooo....thank you though." The forest was beautiful, the sky partly cloudy which made it nice and cool. After what seemed like hours, because it was, we came to the trailhead that we had been waiting for. The Oneonta pass was dead ahead! We would be able to cross Devils Backbone, a breathtaking ridge with some beautiful views. But did we make it? No. We ended up going off and not being able to find the trail, instead we clamored up an even steeper switchbacked trail, that after climbing straight up for an hour and half, we realized it wasn't right and we had just scaled a random mountain without any beautiful views to reward us. My body was about to give out, I don't know how I had made it as far as I did! My knees were shaking, I was sick to my stomach and my whole body ached and throbbed. I was in a bad place. We decided to call it good and turn around and descend what we had so slowly climbed up. Even though we were going down hill my body had just had enough. We were about to reach the bottom, where a campground lay and our soon to be spot of rest when Taylor made me let him carry my pack. What a hunk. But just as he started running ahead, holding 2 hiking packs on his back and shoulders, these two ladies turned the corner. They said something to Taylor and he said "Oh my wife got tired." I had just taken my shoes off, because my feet were muddy and it was hard to walk and these ladies looked up at me with expressions saying "what a weak sap". Ah well, I smiled at them and passed, ready to sling my body in a nice cool hammock.  We found the campsite a few minutes later. Taylor set up our hammocks while I made a fire and we had some bean and cheese burritos. Uh...yum! The only reason I was greatful for hulking all the stuff in my pack around, was for how good the food was. We then popped open two small boxed wines and toasted our anniversary! Then, at 7 pm I said goodnight to Taylor and went to my hammock and fell asleep. I slept from 7 to 7. 12 hours. It was beautiful. I woke up (July 24th) sweaty and a little chilled, but in all it was so nice! We then boiled water for some homemade oatmeal "packets" which were better than the real thing. So gooood! Then about an hour later we made lunch (lol). We had ravioli with pesto sauce and shaved parmesean cheese and a cup of hot coffe. As I cooked Taylor packed up. The we left. Our small camp of rest. Our bodies sore the previous days brutal accent. But it was worth it. It took half the time getting back to the van and this time we stopped and put  our heads in Horsetail Falls. So refreshing! In all, the mountain won but we learned our limits and now we are at home licking
our wounds.

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