Saturday, July 30, 2016

Adult problems.

The Webbs got a notice from the city a few days ago saying they'd be charged $3500 if we didn't comply to their codes. Basically we can't have water hookups in our rv.

I have been so stressed and overwhelmed with the road that God has put us in, I'm surprised I don't have ulcers. I have been pushed to my limits, in trusting in Him to know we will be ok. But when I look at my two boys, and think "wow we are living in an rv..." I feel sad and angry that I am not giving them a more comfortable life, that they each don't have their own rooms, that we don't have a nice sized kitchen or a living room to run around in when it rains. I get overwhelmed too easily, too frustrated with our circumstances. I need to stop and enjoy the small things and to see the bigger blessings that God has given us. Like a farm. A garden. A Godly married couple to look up to during these overwhelming times. A chance to rid ourselves of clutter. Closer quarters to cuddle my boys and girl and husband. A home we can get up and move whenever we want. I just have to stop and notice it. And trust me it's hard.

Rowan just pushed out a poop. I'm our like trout.

P.s. I know everything will work out...I just needed to vent that.

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