Thursday, July 28, 2016

A Thursday Morning...

Well my mom burnt her foot last night while I was at Cereal Fest with Crystal and Eli. She was making some boiled eggs, poured the boiling water into a full sink, water splashed off some dishes and pored onto her foot. Poor gal, it's got a decent sized blister (ick) and so when I went back to her house she informed me I'd be picking up taylor from work. He texted at 11:30 saying he wouldn't need to be picked up till 1, so Weenums got to spend the night. Fun evening all around.

Cereal Fest in itself was fun. Cereal, fellowship. We played kick ball in the already warm and muggy gym then took it outside to play some water games with a mop head. Gotta keep youth group classy. Next week we raft the Clackamas and in just 2 weeks it's summer retreat!

Oh yeah, the kittens stormed my rv!

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