Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How to Become a Missionary with Global Frontier Missions

 Taylor and I are hoping to go to Houston this coming Summer for Missionary training school. We are super excited to see where God leads us, please be praying for us.

How to Become a Missionary with Global Frontier Missions

Friday, May 18, 2012

I sure do love this guy!

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Here is my account of my birth, before I forget all the details.

Taylor and I woke up early on April 22 at around 6 am. Loaded up all our belongings, and hopped in the subaru. Honestly, I was not nervous and I remember saying " let the peace that passes all understanding come upon you...". We got to the hospital about 20 minutes early but they took me into the room. I hopped in to my robe and they did some tests. My blood pressure was still high. Debbie was our nurse for the morning shift. She was super nice. By far my favorite nurse there.
After about a half hour Debbie came in to give me my iv. I'd never had an iv before and I hope I never get another one. She blew the first vein on my left hand, so she had to try on my other arm. Owe, that's all I have to say.
After the iv was in I waited about another hour, and at 10 am they started the pitocin. My mom was there by this time, and my aunt had taken crystal with her to go get my.grandma. and it was at this point that Debbie said "yeah this is probably going to take a while so you should tell your friends and family to wait." Ha. That didn't stop my mom. After the pitocin started it took a long time for contractions to even start. And when they did it was just a small unnoticeable cramp.. People kept filtering in and out. Around 8 pm nothing was happening . I was still at 3 cm. My midwife came in and decided to break my water. I thought it would hurt but it didn't, I just felt a rush of warm water. after cleaning up, Taylor and I decided to take a nap before things started to get hard. We had closed the curtain, turned down the lights, and I was lying there as Taylor went into use the bathroom, when all of a sudden the contractions got painful. I could still talk through them. But it was hard to breath. Taylor came out, and I told him it was escalating, so there went our napping. I remember his dad came in as the contractions got worse, and he and Taylor were so loud, and talking and cracking jokes that I finally told them to be quiet with each contraction. Around 10:00 Taylor suggested I try the jet tub. At this point I had to stop takiing during contractions as they were getting progressively more painful. I had forgotten that I wanted to try the jet tub, and since it looked like I wasn't going to have Eli on Taylors birthday I decided to try it. As they were filling it, they checked how far I had come. I was 6 cm. It took about half an hour for them to set it up and for me to get to it and get inside. the warm water was so soothing. I sat there a few minutes and just soaked in the warmth, then it hit. A contraction so painful I almost doubled over and squealed in pain. It hit me so hard, I remember being mad that the warm water wasn't soothing enough. I went through about 5 of these contractions before I realized I wanted an epideral. If I had to go through another 3 to 4 ,maybe more, hours with this pain, I needed an epideral. I told Taylor, who got up and went outside and told a nurse. He came back in, and I just wanted out of the tub. I had started to sweat and the intense pain of the contractions wasn't helping. The nurse came in and unplugged the water, I had only spent about 20 minutes in the tub all together, it was about 10:30 by now. As I stood up to get out, I had a exceptionaly painful contraction that made me want to poop really bad, which I almost yelled to the nurse. I said "oh wow I feel like I have to poop...should i?" The nurse looked at me, and said hold on. She ran and grabbed my main nurse who told me that she wanted to check me before I could use the bathroom. They sat me on the bed and thus is what I heard as another contraction hit " blah blah blyah...she's ready" which I took as your ready to go back to your room. What they had said was, "wow she is 10 cm. She is ready." I had gone from 6 to 10 cm in a matter of 20 to 25 minutes. I limped back to my room because my legs and thighs had gotten so swollen by this time, it was hard to walk. When I got there the girl with epideral walked in and started to set everything up. After about 10 minutes, with the contractions still excruciating, my nurse said "let me give you something to take the edge off". She injected into my iv some medicine and said I may feel really drunk soon. Almost instantly the room began to spin, I couldnt focus my eyes and my head felt really heavy. Also, as the medicine kicked in alissa, Adi and quela opened the door to my room and poked they're heads in. The room was spinning and I felt horrible and u remember giving them this look and shaking my head, so they left. The meds did take the edge off, long enough to put the epideral in and the second I laid on my back the nurse said "ok. You can start pushing now." What! I then realized what they meant by I was ready. Looking back on it now I'm glad I had the epideral due to how much I tore, but then I was kind of upset that I wasn't able to have the completely natural birth I wanted. Oh well. On to pushing. The alcohol induced drug wore off soon after I started pushing. And from there I pushed then rested. I felt like I was going to pass out between contractions, from exhaustion. At one point I even fell asleep. I started pushing around 10:50. At around 11:30 the nurse said she could start to see his head and that I was almost there. I knew I only had 2012 minutes till midnight, in order to have Eli on Taylors birthday, so with all my energy I pushed 5 times with my last contraction, I even leaned forward so I could watch him come out, and at 11:49 with 11 minutes to spare Eli Stone Hicks was born on his daddies birthday. Whew, what a chore pushing was..the midwife told me I tore in 3 places and it took about an hour to stitch me up, but after all that it was so worth it. taje

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Emailed my midwife...after Taylor pestered me for 20 minutes on waiting to be induced...and added if I could be induced on Taylors birthday. She emailed me back today and its final. Eli will be born (Lord willing a quick delivery) on April 22, 2012.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

So, I never went into full detail of my Dr. Visit, and a lot has happened since then, so i will start with this last Thursday the 12 of April. We got into the triage room, where they hooked me up to a fetal monitor, another monitor I am not sure of and a blood pressure monitor that went off every 15 minutes. We waited about 5 minutes and *poof* in pops my mom! She just decided to come, just in case I was induced. She stayed in for a little bit then went out into the waiting room. My blood pressure was quite high, so I was there for a good 5 hours. I was wheeled to an ultrasound room, where they measured Eli's growth. I was having regular contractions, so they checked my cervic, I wasn't dilated. In all, they determined I may have had a urinary tract infection, which would interfere with my 24 hour urinary test. So they put me on antibiotics, and after taking them for 3 days, had me do another 24 hr. Sample. I went in yesterday, April 17th, for a non stress test. I went to the labor and delivery building, thinking that's where I should go, and found out it was the wrong place, they took me there anyways. I met with my midwife, all tests were good, including my blood pressure, so they said see ya tomorrow. <br>
The next day, Taylor got off early. We left a good 15 minutes early, but had to turn back because I forgot my urine sample. So we ended up being 10 minutes late. I checked in while Taylor parked, and then I went out to the entrance where he was getting a coke from a vending machine. I told him I was going to the bathroom to get another urine sample, and while I was in there, this happened. Taylor picked up the paper bag that had my sample in it, which had fallen over and wasn't completely sealed, and unbeknownst to him walked into the hospital with it dripping everywhere, including on his shoe. The receptionist saw it, asked what it was, then hystericaly told him it was a biohazard and he needed to put it outside. Taylor dropped it outside the door, came back in and asked what to do. She said he needed to go get a new bottle from the lab. That's where I found poor Taylor, distraught in the lab area, waiting for someone to help him. When I heard what had happened, I told him to go sit down and wait for my name to be called. I walked outside, found the bag, threw the paper bag away. Walked into the hospital, grabbed some paper towels, wiped it down, and disaster averted. Whew! <br>
Well, we finally got to my appointment, where the nurse took my blood pressure twice, both times it was quite high. She then "cheated" and used a larger cuff, and that brought my blood pressure down a bit. Then vicki, my midwife, came in. She did the regular checkups, we listened to Eli's heart, he sounded great. She measured my cervix. Then she decided to check to see if I was dilated. When she did, she said " are so ready! Your 3cm dialated!" So I could go into labor soon...or if I was induced it would make it a whole lot easier, since my body was already getting ready. How exciting. She said she didn't want to make a plan yet, till we got results back from my 24 hr sample and more blood tests. So we left. More updates soon.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Yesterday morning was a rollercoaster, and it didn't help that I spent the majority of the day before crying due to a burst of pregnancy hormones. I woke up, finding a text from Andrew that his wife had been diagnosed with a brain tumor. Just the night before he had asked me to pray for her, she had been complaining of an intense migraine and chest pains. He had taken her to the emergency room. The next morning I got that text, around 5 am, but didn't read it till about 9am. I went onto his profile, after texting him and asking him how he was doing, and realized through the condolences of other friends, that jennica had suddenly passed away. I was so shocked. I was supposed to see her at my baby shower. The last time I had been with her was a Christmas party at her house. Not a half hour after I found out, I had been crying the whole time, the hospital called and told me that the 24 hr urine sample I had turned in was high in protein and that I needed to come to the labor and delivery area asap for further testing and possibly being induced. If it hadn't been for the sudden death if jennica, I would have been nervous and scared, but it just made me.break down emotionally. I kept thinking that I had to stay strong for the baby and to not stress him out. After calming myself down, I called Taylors work and had them give him a message to call me back.  I then jumped into the shower to calm me down some more. Then Taylor called, in which I broke down again. I told him not to worry but to leave work immediately and take me to the hospital. Right after that my mom called and I was bawling the whole time I spoke to her, which probably scarred the poor woman. Finally Taylor came, changed, gave me a long and much needed hug, then I threw the baby bag, camcorder and phone charger into the car (if I was being induced, I was going to be slightly prepared.) We got to the hospital, where they put me into a triage room (where woman are put to be monitored if they are actually in labor or not.) From there, they put a baby monitor on me and a contraction monitor, and a blood pressure band that took my blood pressure every 10 minutes. We hadn't been in the room 20 minutes, when my mom randomly walked in. I had told her they were just doing tests, but she wasn't deterred. She stayed in the room for about half an hour, then went out and waited in the waiting room with my dad. After several hours of tests, an ultrasound, me getting some food, and more tests, they finally concluded that I had a bladder infection that could cause the urine tests to be misread. So I was given antibiotics, and on Monday I am to start another 24 hr urine sample in which they will analyze and determine if the protein really is high. If it is, I will be induced sometime next week. Until then I will be on bed rest.
     The whole time I was in the hospital I kept my thoughts of jennica out of my mind, which i feel horrible about. Although I knew I needed to try to keep my blood pressure low and my mind on my baby to keep him safe. After we got home, Taylor kept my mind clear by reading the first chapter of the Hobbit to me. It was calming and relaxing. But when he prayed with me right before bed, I just had so much pent in emotion, I just cried. And he held me. He was there for me. And i so appreciate it.
     Jennica. I will miss you. You loved Disney movies. You were always happy. You wanted to serve the Lord, along with your husband, overseas in Mongolia. You loved children and babies. You were married less than a year. And I am sad you will not be able to meet my baby, till we are in heaven. I knew you were excited about my baby shower, and I was looking forward to seeing you and catching up. It would have been nice. But the Lord had other plans. And I know that you are in His presence, seeing and feeling things so many of us are envious of. Give glory to the Lord, till I can do it with you. See you soon jennica.

Monday, April 09, 2012

Gotta love swelling feet. Easter this year was fairly nice, aside from me having to work, which created my lovely swollen feet. Taylor, yaz, Wesley, April, Melissa and Jake did a skit for the church and got a standing ovation. It even made me tear up. They did such a good job.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sometimes you just have to indulge...

<p>My pregnancy rant: <br>
I can't wait for this baby to come.out of me. I'm tired of waking up 5 times every night to pee for 2 seconds. I'm tired if getting out of bed in extreme pain, my arms hurt, my sides hurt, my stomach hurts, my legs hurt, my feet hurt. I limp around the house like an old woman. I'm tired of either being constipated or have diarrhea. My hands and feet fall asleep randomly. My free swell to the point where its painful to walk and at the moment, none of my shoes fit, including my work shoes. I get hungry almost instantly with a huge drop in my blood sugar which makes my hands shake till I eat something. My ribs burn and ache as they slowly expand. I choke on my spit everyday, due to excessive saliva. I have stretch marks on my boobs and lovehandles (not my stomach which im so ever grateful for...). My carpaltunnel has returned. People won't stop asking me when I'm due, if I'm pregnant, how far along I am, have I decided on a name, is it a boy or girl...? I can't lift heavy things. I pull muscles in my stomach. I get out of breath just by putting on my socks, it reading a paragraph in a book.

I could keep going. But I'm going to stop. Pregnancy sucks. I can't wait for this baby to come out of me. But I am glad I'm having him.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Last night was St. Patricks day. After a boring day at work, Taylor and I stopped at the local licor store, where we got a bottle of whiskey and two cigars for Taylor and Jasons enjoyment. We got to their house, and Taylor and Jason went outside, joy and I stayed inside, catching up, talking about babies, looking at videos. About an hour later, the guys stumbled in...well Jason did. Taylor seemed fine. The bottle was pretty much gone. I will omit some details of that night, only to be disclosed to joys children when they are old enough to understand that what joy and I did, was done thinking that Taylor was as sober as he said he was. The night ended with Jason throwing up and Taylor saying..."carina. If you would be so kind. I really think I need to go home. Like soon."
Well we drove home. I gave my little baby (taylor) some warm banana bread and we went to bed. He rambled on about how happy I make him and how tired he was. I said go to sleep sweety, and within minutes he was out. I laid there, awake. (it takes me a good hour to fall asleep). And all of a sudden Taylor almost knee'd me in the belly. I dodged it with my hand and decided to roll over with my back facing him, and the WHACK! He slapped me in the face!!! I sat up, yelled "TAYLOR!" And shoved him quite hard, and there he lay, peacefully snoring like nothing happened...the little brat. t

Friday, March 09, 2012

March 8th, 2012. I had a pregnancy breakthrough. I sneezed and peed my pants. Just 2 more months of wearing poise pads. Thank you Eli Stone :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Taylor and I are making a commitment tonight to go to bed an hour early each night, to read the Bible in bed and unwind and talk about our day. I pray we can keep it up. Marriage so far has been fairly easy. It was easier than I thought it would be, to get used to sharing my life with a man. I thought it would be hard to share a bed, share food, figure out things to do, but it seemed to come naturally, which I am very thankful for.
     As for the baby, he is getting stronger each day. I saw him move, like a small ball, from one side of my stomach to the other. It was creepy, but cool. I love the little guy already. I can't help but think he already is showing his personality. I played a video of Taylor talking to me, and I held the phone close to my belly, and Eli started to kick rhythmically, like he was excited to hear his dads voice so close. It was cute.
     Also, we just got back from winter retreat today. There were about 45 people that went this year. Twice as many as we are used to. It was crazy. There were some stressful times, and masami didn't show up till Sunday afternoon, but I feel in all, it went great! I got to know almost all of the kids names and themselves much more than when we first got there. This one evening, we made popcorn, and this young man named Wesley came up and shoved a huge handful of popcorn in his mouth, and I thought, right there, that I wanted my son to be like.him. I told him that later and probably creeped him out, but I asked Taylor later, what boy he would want our son to be like and I kid you not he said Wesley! How funny. Well, Taylor is asleep, I'm getting sleepy and I am officially thirsty again...good night.

Friday, January 20, 2012

I am so tired lately. Yesterday I felt eli push off the tips of my ribs. It felt really weird. He has been kicking a lot lately to. This is what I imagine what those who were implanted with an alien, in the movie alien, felt like. Having a creature, or in my case a little boy, growing inside you. I'm sitting in the Dr. Office waiting to have my cervics measured one last time. I hope all goes well. Did I mention I am super tired...

Thursday, January 05, 2012

I'm back!

Awesome! I found a Droid app. That let's me blog. Finally. Why didn't I think about this before? Well time to catch up...
A few weeks ago, I went in for a baby checkup and my midwife told me that when they did a measurement of my cervics, it seemed shorter than it should be at my time of pregnancy. This caused concern, as it could make me go into pre-term labor and most likely lose the baby. She set up an appointment for me to go to st. Vincent's in beaverton, to see a Dr. Who specialized in pre-term births. So I set up an emergency appointment, went in about a week later, and they re-measured my cervics. The out come was it was shorter than it should be, by about a centimeter, but it hadn't gotten shorter. Worse case scenario, if my cervic was shortening, I would have to be put on bed rest. So the Dr. Put me on a program where they would call me every Tuesday to ask me about my symptoms and if I had any concerns or questions. And I was to come back in, in two weeks to get re-measured. There were a few days where I had semi-painful contractions, but nothing rhythmic or four within an hour. I went back in this last Wednesday and got re-measured and thankfully it has stayed the same. The Dr. Was happy, and so was I. He still is having me come in for another measurement in two more weeks, so God willing it will still stay the same.