Thursday, January 05, 2012

I'm back!

Awesome! I found a Droid app. That let's me blog. Finally. Why didn't I think about this before? Well time to catch up...
A few weeks ago, I went in for a baby checkup and my midwife told me that when they did a measurement of my cervics, it seemed shorter than it should be at my time of pregnancy. This caused concern, as it could make me go into pre-term labor and most likely lose the baby. She set up an appointment for me to go to st. Vincent's in beaverton, to see a Dr. Who specialized in pre-term births. So I set up an emergency appointment, went in about a week later, and they re-measured my cervics. The out come was it was shorter than it should be, by about a centimeter, but it hadn't gotten shorter. Worse case scenario, if my cervic was shortening, I would have to be put on bed rest. So the Dr. Put me on a program where they would call me every Tuesday to ask me about my symptoms and if I had any concerns or questions. And I was to come back in, in two weeks to get re-measured. There were a few days where I had semi-painful contractions, but nothing rhythmic or four within an hour. I went back in this last Wednesday and got re-measured and thankfully it has stayed the same. The Dr. Was happy, and so was I. He still is having me come in for another measurement in two more weeks, so God willing it will still stay the same.

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