Tuesday, April 17, 2012

So, I never went into full detail of my Dr. Visit, and a lot has happened since then, so i will start with this last Thursday the 12 of April. We got into the triage room, where they hooked me up to a fetal monitor, another monitor I am not sure of and a blood pressure monitor that went off every 15 minutes. We waited about 5 minutes and *poof* in pops my mom! She just decided to come, just in case I was induced. She stayed in for a little bit then went out into the waiting room. My blood pressure was quite high, so I was there for a good 5 hours. I was wheeled to an ultrasound room, where they measured Eli's growth. I was having regular contractions, so they checked my cervic, I wasn't dilated. In all, they determined I may have had a urinary tract infection, which would interfere with my 24 hour urinary test. So they put me on antibiotics, and after taking them for 3 days, had me do another 24 hr. Sample. I went in yesterday, April 17th, for a non stress test. I went to the labor and delivery building, thinking that's where I should go, and found out it was the wrong place, they took me there anyways. I met with my midwife, all tests were good, including my blood pressure, so they said see ya tomorrow. <br>
The next day, Taylor got off early. We left a good 15 minutes early, but had to turn back because I forgot my urine sample. So we ended up being 10 minutes late. I checked in while Taylor parked, and then I went out to the entrance where he was getting a coke from a vending machine. I told him I was going to the bathroom to get another urine sample, and while I was in there, this happened. Taylor picked up the paper bag that had my sample in it, which had fallen over and wasn't completely sealed, and unbeknownst to him walked into the hospital with it dripping everywhere, including on his shoe. The receptionist saw it, asked what it was, then hystericaly told him it was a biohazard and he needed to put it outside. Taylor dropped it outside the door, came back in and asked what to do. She said he needed to go get a new bottle from the lab. That's where I found poor Taylor, distraught in the lab area, waiting for someone to help him. When I heard what had happened, I told him to go sit down and wait for my name to be called. I walked outside, found the bag, threw the paper bag away. Walked into the hospital, grabbed some paper towels, wiped it down, and disaster averted. Whew! <br>
Well, we finally got to my appointment, where the nurse took my blood pressure twice, both times it was quite high. She then "cheated" and used a larger cuff, and that brought my blood pressure down a bit. Then vicki, my midwife, came in. She did the regular checkups, we listened to Eli's heart, he sounded great. She measured my cervix. Then she decided to check to see if I was dilated. When she did, she said "ooo...you are so ready! Your 3cm dialated!" So I could go into labor soon...or if I was induced it would make it a whole lot easier, since my body was already getting ready. How exciting. She said she didn't want to make a plan yet, till we got results back from my 24 hr sample and more blood tests. So we left. More updates soon.

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