Tuesday, October 03, 2006

When i heard he had passed away, i was almost in tears. if masami hadn't been standing in front of me, already heart broken, i would have cried. but i knew it would just cause him to probably cry, and we both would have been sitting in the jr.high cafeteria with a girl i hardly knew and a janetor, staring at us, as we cried. no one could fathom the loss. i have so many fond memories of steven. one thing that i truly loved about this man was his passion for prayer! that word left his lips all the time. you couldn't go through a whole conversation with Steven and not hear him talk about prayer! he was into, saving souls for Christ. it was his life, i beleive, to serve Christ and win Souls for the Kingdom. especially the Tibetans, these people i have grown to love. they're so beautiful, but so clouded by sin. he was truly an amazing man. i thank God for the many opportunities this year and last year, to walk beside him and share in his passion for the ministry! Thanks God! he was one of the people who really helped me understand my passion for the Tibetans. and he still does. i can't wait till i return to india, whether it will be this year or another year. i'll be able to see Joshua and Isaac and Stevens wife, and see how they're doing and encourage them. it will be nice.

anyways. i hope i've encouraged the Body. Keep his family and the people who were impacted by him the most, in your prayers.

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