Saturday, September 30, 2006

I want to talk about a man who has deeply impacted me. He is now Praising Christ and God in there presence as i speak. Which is probably what he wanted to do his whole life, being in the presence of God.

His ministry was intense. Serve God.
He served God by giving schooling to a group of little Gypsy children. The first year I got to see a bunch of them running by their house. they seemed really happy. Every morning he would get up and walk with this man, whi i beleive was a government official, i'm not sure though. he wasn't a christian, but every morning he walked with Steven. He had a radio program that went into Tibet, this year we got to walk through a new building as it was being built, and in the building were little school rooms. i forgot what those were for, but i know it was to teach children, because one randomly came flying from somewhere and almost ran into us. (Vauge memory :) On our way back to his house that same day, Tim(bo) [a nickname i gave him after he started calling me Carina Latrina {because it reminded him of the latrine!}] wanted to buy a Tibeten rug, but we couldn't find someone who could make them. so steven took us into this two story house thing...i'm not sure now what it was. it was a huge building that was like a hundred years old, and if an earthquake hit, the people inside would be history. well, we walked in and Steven showed us a bunch of women who were hand weaving Tibetans rugs. we got to talk with them, and steven was talking to them. it was awesome. Then there was those two houses that he bought, and in them he decipled a bunch of younge tibetan guys. so, through his death, i see alot of lives that he had been impacting, will be impacted even more. they will miss him. they will wonder, and if it's God's will, He will be glorified.

I'm excited to see what happens over in india. and i can't wait till it's my turn to stand before God, and praise him, with steven and all the other amazing people in heaven!

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