Monday, September 25, 2006

well. i'm writing a story for this art site...what do you think of it so far. By far, it is way not finished! but enjoy what i have written.oh, and i have to iilistrate it to.

Fernis Mottle's Dragon Search
by CMT

Fernis Mottle was a slim girl. Around the age of 15 and about 5 foot 7 and growing. Now, I'm not skilled in "Height Knowledge" or anything of that sort, but i'm fairly sure this was a rare height for girls in this era. She had dark brown hair and silver eyes. Also a slight Lisp that make everyone smirk at her. Now, in this era, Silver eyes meant you couldn't keep still, and Dark hair meant that everything that happened to you was happening for a purpose but sadly, if you were born with a lisp, well, that just meant you were born of a family of Ill repute. Now, What era you say? well, the era of Dragons and Corn of course. Yes! Dragons and Corn, you did hear me right. Dragons flooded the plains, they took every oportunity to eat fish and corn. Well, at leaste when no one was looking. They crawled from the deepest darkest pits, down where no one could fathom the deepness. There they hoarded corn, the only means of survival for the people on ground. There land had been laid waiste by the evil dragons a few decades past. Evil dragons so vile, so Horendous, to look at them would mean certain death. They ravaged the land, in search of every tree or field that harvested a crop and blew poisonous vapors around. and these vapours creeped down to the coldest roots and shriveled what food sources and nutrience were there.
Well, needless to say, Fernis Mottle, or Ferny as a few of her closest friends called her, was an adventerous sort. She always seemed to find herself in the most dire of situations. Like last winter, she found an old stump a few miles away from the small town of GrainStock. She loved to jump on stumps and pretend she had tamed a wild dragon. She envisioned her dragon with a breast-plate of silver, studded with the most rare of jewels. She would forge a huge Golden Saber that could attach to the tail of her beast and slice through anything that clouded there path. It's eyes would reflect hers, Silver and bright. They'd fly through the air, in search of rare plants. Plants thought to have gone extinct during the Great Raid of Foliage. To bad she hadn't been born a few decades earlier. If she now, as she was throwing herself around, pretending to destroy Evil Dragons with her Tamed One beside her, she didn't realize she had grabbed a stick and was thrashing some little kid who had followed her out of town. The kid was inflicted with a bloody nose and was so mad, he ran back and tattled on Poor Fernis Mottle. She got a good thrashing that day.
This spring was a little less intense. She accidentally caused a horse to spook and it knocked down a couple of small racks of cooking corn. That would be the end of her adventurous spirit for the rest of the summer. All the adult in the town decided that she should stay inside, studying.

ok. that's it. i can probably only think of two people who would appreciate this story and i won't pass on names. but be gentle. :)

1 comment:

Elaine Butler said...

So, does your story have a point, or a central theme? I think my writing 121 teacher would say you need a thesis: just one sentence to build the story around. Or is it in there somewhere?