Thursday, September 21, 2006

i Just finished book #6 in the Left Behind series! it was long. rough and exciting! Now i have to go back to the library and check out two more. hopefully i'll have the whole series read before my job starts up.

so about my Job. i was so convicted when i left the last day of training. Ready to just quit and breeze away. away from those freaky women lovers and femenist and new-agey creepy people. but they need Jesus to. I just realized how much of an impact i could have. i have to see all of them at leaste once a month at madetory meetings. truthfully i will dread them...but looking forward to God's power in my life is far more exciting!

I've had many moments to consider my predicament, and i realized that the whole experience put me in a spiritually depressed state. but that didn't last. God has again directed me. and uplifted my spirits! it was good. so, now, needless to say. i'm excited for the opportunities He's givven me. and i can't wait to start.

now about the Bible. i need to impress it on my mind.

Hebrews 12:3 Consider Him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

wow that's a sweet! verse! I pray your day goes well.

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