Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Wait patiently for the LORD. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the LORD.
Psalm 27:14 NLT

Patient endurance is what you need now, so you will continue to do God's will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.
Hebrews 10:36 NLT

july is slowly ebbing towards me...which means soon i'll be able to get a job and move out with joy...sorry joy for making you wait...

ok, so i was thinking (more like "day dreaming" :) about camp and what i will be expecting. jr.high girls at eagle fern...

good food, nice cabins, awesome councilors, crazy girls who are obsessed with makeup and guys. last year we had a Pajama Party and watched "ice princess" UGH!!!! i was about to gag!!! all the girls clapped when (i'm taking in a deep breath here!!!) THEY KISSED!!!! come on!!! how corny can you get. even the other counselors were getting into it! urgg...that's something i'll have to Suck Up! anyways. theres a nice creek and TIRE SWIIIING!!!! and volleyball. and usually really awesome worship!!! the speaker....




she's old. but the girls love her. wich doesn't make any sense. i fall asleep when this lady talks. she talks like my grandma...whom i love....but old women have this way of talking that is like monotone...boring...and ...that's how she is. But the best and most funny thing is that all the girls love her.

that's eagle fern.

then there is Camp Tadmor.

i've never beeen...but it sounds exciting. kat and mo won't be there. that's just a tad bit sad...but it will give me a chance to see how H...G will stand up without them...(if you know what i mean...and i'm thinking only a few people will)

then HIGH school!!! that's should be exciting. kat and mo will be going to this camp. i'm wondering how they'll bond with the other girls. i'm thinking allicia will ignore...addie will try....and all the rest will think they're nuts. it's true...and then the leaders. becky and lisa will be awesome. they're awesome leaders...but the guys....

now i can take scotts sarcasm, but it will be an opporotunity for kat to lash out...at least that's how i see it. mo, will be fine with all the leaders...it's kat who i'm worried about. that will defineteally be on my prayer list for the next 5 years...or i can wait and see how they ajust.

we'll see. i also wonder how kat will do with the outreach part of it. last year we went to an indian reservation and cleaned up trashe and smelly dirty stuff...in very hot weather...for many hours. now, kat has proven me wrong before...(i think...) so maybe she will come through, but she's definetely a girly girl...as is mo...so, i suppose we'll just have to watch and see how the Lord handles this situation. i'm throwing them into His hands...which is where they've been from the beginning, but this time, i hopefully will have no strings attached!!! :)

now that i've bored my audience with my camp experiences and life aftarwards...

i shall go draw a picture...and read my Bible.

p.s. those two verses i found are so true...PATIENCE....i should pray for that again and see what happens...

1 comment:

Elaine Butler said...

I will be praying with you.