Saturday, May 27, 2006 was a good day. i concocted an art idea...with the help of my "ex-teachers" art lesson. and now i have a really awesome work of art. and if i knew how, i would scan it onto my computer and show everyone...but alas, my computer is dumb and is not capable.

i also, while doing my art, was listening to some awesome music on K-Love. as my dog layed at my feet and my guinea pig and mice were comfortably sleeping in there cages.

God has truely blessed me with some talents and "stuff"

i just yesterday got another magazine from VOM (Voice of the Martyrs) it tell of i think, 59 christian vietnamese, who are in prison. you might want to keep them in your prayers.

i will leave once do who know's what. see those of you (you know who you are...and no...not you kin...) at church. can't wait to hear what masami has to say.

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