Tuesday, May 02, 2006

francisco de goya y lucientes, Chronos Devouring One of His Children

Leonardo da vinci's drawing the womb.

Leonardo da vinci's drawing of the human skull.

I like leonardo's scientific art. it's awesome. the story behind his drawing of the womb...a pregnant woman drowned and het body was brought to him where he disected her womb to see what it looked like inside. kindof grousome. and i'm not to sure about the skull picture...but the one of the "thing" eating a woman...well. i'll let you think about that. :)


Elaine Butler said...

I could go both ways with DaVinci. On the one hand, he certainly appreciated the art of God, and strove to illustrate it accurately. On the other hand, God specifically told us NOT to dissect human bodies, but to bury them quickly. Just because we think we know WHY he said it, doesn't make it OK to disobey God. A human life is even greater than the art or science of its creation. When we examine them "for the sake of science" or "for the sake of art", we defy God, and reduce life to its lesser components.

Carina said...

that's a good point. i never thought about that. thanks. :)

Meredith said...

I am curious... where in the Bible does God talk about not dissecting human bodies?

Carina said...

i don't know...