Wednesday, May 10, 2006

...well, it is presently 11:57 p.m. you may think that that is not late....but i'm dog tired. me and joy got to stay up late last night and "talk" and giggle like two dumb-founded little girls...ahhh...good times. of course. if i were to try to even describe some of the things we talked about during the wee hours of midnight, you wouldn't get fact...they're not even funny to us now that we've been able to sleep on it. but alls i know, is we had some deep discussions. ;) hahaha. anyways. joy. i hope you had a good time. i did. i always enjoy your company and hearing your happy laugh. OH!!!! AND GUESS WHAT!!!!! i got a guinea pig. i went to that one place that you told me about...when you were driving around with jason and david!!!! it turned out to be a hole-in the wall-feed store. the guy who worked there was really sweet. he was on crutches because he lost one of his was sad. he was telling us all about the guinea pigs that they had. there were four... and he seeemed a little sad that i was taking one. he petted it before i took it. but, he was a really nice guy, and i got a really nice GP! she! (yes...female....) has extremely long hair...(actually, it looks like the owners gave her a partial hair there is really short patches of hair and then reallllly long patches of hair...) white mostly with red and orange patches. very dark brown...maybe even black...eyes that somehow turn purpleish if you look at them correctly. she's really shy to. i read online that i need to let her run around my room everyday for her morning...Jazzercize. soo...yepp. if you want to come see my guinea pig...i guess you can :). just call first.

well...i'm talking to my bro online right i'll hit the road.


Joy said...

lol! You took the guy's friend away! Do I really hav to call?

Carina said...

hey guess what don't need to call. in fact, i only said that just in case random weird and people i don't know, want to come see my pig...:)

and yah...i took him away. and DON'T LAUGH!!! it was sad. :( hahaha. ok i laugh with you....