Wednesday, October 08, 2008

So, last night, i went back and read a ton of my original blogs. (sadly, i had erased my very firts blog. that would have been awesome to read...) but i was reading my old posts, and wow, i wrote really funny. it annoys me, reading how i wrote. i wonder if i still write like that. i hope not. i was surprised that people actually read my blog back then. oh well. anyways, i have to read a short story by Jorge Borges. he writes such weird, intense short stories. and i have no idea how to understand them. we have to discuss the stories in class, and i never have anything constructive to say. i will probably fail the class because of that. anyways. work was good today. it was one of those days where i got alot done, but i didn't get alot done. have you ever had a day like that? where you feel so accomlished but in that very moment you could have done so much more.

so there is this new kid in the store, His name is David, and he is already annoying me. there is also this other new deli guy and he is already annying me. man, i have changed so much since working at Tway. things used to never bother me. i could see people for the beautiful person that they are, how God created them, and how He loves them. but now, i can see through that and nit-pick at all of their faults. i grasp on to there quirky annoyingness and leave out there "goodness" if you can say that. i need to work on my additude. well, i muct go do work. i'm gonna try to stay up really late. wish me luck. :)

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