Wednesday, June 07, 2006

ok, this is going to drive me mad...

i just now have begun to study who the Jahovah's Witnesses are and what they beleieve...and in the process of doing this, there are a ton of things in the Bible that need some clarification from the more..."Spiritually understanding" or at leaste the people who have done more indepth study...
Isa 6:10 Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed.

Why does God say this to Isaiah and then Jesus repeats it later...does that question make sense?
wait! is that a prophecy!? (sorrry i paused for a few minutes and was reading ahead... :) i feel like i've opened up a ginormous window...and now i have to choose what i want to see...if that makes any think all this time i thought isaiah was just some guy with weird ramblings....well, i knew he did some prophesying...nevermind about that...

ok, i've just depleted in questions. i found a site that has answered most of them and the others...i can't think of them. here's the site, just in case anyone else want to understand the Bible...just a tiny bit clearer. ;)

anyways...i bet someone out there has some pretty good answers to the few questions i have...GO FOR IT!

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