Saturday, June 03, 2006

Boredom is seeping through my body. i've been listening to KPDQ but there's some creepy woman on there talking about recreation! ('s supposed to be a christian station!)...i ended up cleaning my room and also a half-hearted attempt at "hackey-sack". i again hit the ball with my knee twice! in a row! i was estatic...but winning streak ended. :(

i also was playing my computer. isn't that a dumb term..."Playing my computer"! i can't beleive i said it!

urgh! uhh! guuur!!!

i fed my guinea pig half a carrot. she just chomps thrpugh those pieces of vegetables as if they were paper! i gave her two wooden blocks to chisell her teeth, because guinea-pig teeth grow really fast...and if they aren't trimmed then her teeth could grow in to her skull! so she's been gnawing on those for a few decades. i listened to some 90's christian music! good stuff...i read, or attempted to read, my Bible. serfed through a TON of peoples blogs. EVerY sinGle one was exactly the same since the last time i read them, except for joys. i also attempted to start another really big drawing but that failed disgustingly. i sat there, pulled out a blank sheet of 19 x 25" paper and stared at it. then i realized that my easil needs a back boared. that made me annoyed...well, not annoyed. it just crushed my plans of creating a masterpiece! i was thinking of drawing a bunch of random a detailed sort of way. maybe a baskette of flowers. maybe just flowers. or maybe something completely different all together. like a woman sitting on a couch petting a cat...or baalams donkey with an angel behind her! ack! i don't know....

anyways. me and my mom tried to teach crystal how to play "UNO"! IT was a slight failer. she's Getting It...but still quite a bit o' work! i might say...

i got drulled on by my dog. i cleaned out my mouses sleeping cooridoor. they needed it. i held big black RAT!!!! (well, my small black mouse...i just wanted to add a spice of excitement.) she's as sweet as ever. my guinea pigs been squeeling and if you pet in just the right spot, at just the right time, in just the right way................sheel PURRR!!!!! it's more of a garbled giggle teeth chatter! but it be neat.

ok. rambling has somewhat lessened the "oh man i can't do anything" syndrome.

i'll try to talk about something more relevant next time...this is carina M t...signing OUT!

1 comment:

Meredith said...

I'm sorry! Gosh! I'll have to update after finals are through. One more week!!