Friday, February 08, 2013


Here is a list of things that have happened since I last posted. 1) Eli turned 9 months! 2) He got 2 bottom teeth last month...January. 3) He started crawling @ 9 months. 4) He is currently working on standing and shuffling around furniture. 5) I am pregnant...23 weeks currently. 6) It is a boy. 7) We like Liam Carter Hicks at the moment. 8) He is kicking regularly, and I am loving it. 9) Taylor and I were planning on moving to Houston, Texas in July for a year, for a missionary training school. 10) Due to our current financial situation we decided, this week, to hold off a year or two. 11) Next Friday we go to Youth Group Winter Retreat, YAY! 12) That's all I can think of... Whew. It has been a lot...but all exciting and all led by the Lord. I have been learning and being taught, to lean on and trust God. It has been hard, but with Taylor...and of course Christ...I have been learning so much. Taylor will leave next month to stay in India for a month. I am so torn, I will really miss him, but I am so jealous and wish it were me going. I don't know if I will go crazy. Now that I quit Thriftway, everyday ever minute seems to drag on as I wait for Taylor to come home. What am I going to do for a full month, waiting and barely being able to talk to him. will be a struggle. May the Lord grant me peace.

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