Monday, February 16, 2009

I feel like i need to explaine alot! All the posts that i posted of school were really depressing and horrible and i said how much i hated school and i wanted out. That is not true. The Lord used those trying months in some intense ways and it took stepping outside of school and work and my relationships to actually understand why He put me through what He did. Let me explaine. I walked into school thinking it would be a breeze working full-time and taking ten credits. But ten credits at Multnomah are not the same as ten credits at CCC. I found that out the hard way. I also had to endure extra stress from my job, by getting promoted and having to re-evaluate some "friends" i had made. all this to say i relized 1) i don't want to work where i am right now God has bigger and better plans for me. 2) i DO want to get married. i tried to imagine what my life overseas would be like by myself, and i got really scared. :) and 3) i miss school so much. i really started to get to know some people just before it let out, i finally got comfortable with the routine...and now i really want to go back and finish! so yeah. God worked big things in me. there were several times where i was completely broken. but you only become stronger. and thats what i did. i am so ready for Nepal!

1 comment:

Lanelle said...

You pray for me and I'll pray for you! Secondly...

God is constantly revealing his plan to us.. I never seem to know it fully... and its often in hindsight that I can really see the hand of God at work in a given situation. SO.

I am excited about what you have learned about yourself and prayerfully trusting God will bring all these dreams and desires about...