Thursday, April 26, 2007

LAST NIGHT. OR EARLY THIS MORNING. DEPENDING ON HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT IT...I WATCHED THIS DOCUMENTARY ON OPB. it was really was about this group of people called the Shakers. and at first i was drawn in by there service to God and there devotion to Him. every morning they would get up early and start with chores and keep working throughout the day. they had there own production and they sold all of there crafts from seeds to food to there inventions. and they considered there labor as worship to God. there everyday tasks were used to worship God. when the women did laundry or cooked it was for God and when the men fed the animals and cleaned stalls and planted crops, it was for God. and it all seemed 100% pure and true. and it just seemed so unreal. how could a group of people live there life for God in such a way. i think they also held a strick code of Celebacy. and every afternoon and evening they'd gather together to worship God and study His word and for another half hour they meditated alone in there room. wow. such devotion. then i went online and researched them further and lo and was tainted. it seems the Shakers fallowed a Woman named Mother Ann who claimed she had a vision and was the Second Coming of Christ "As radicals, all the members were harrassed, including a young married woman named Ann Lee. Fervent from a young age, Ann had a revelation during a long imprisonment that she was the Second Coming of Christ, the vital female component of God the Father-Mother " that ruined it for me. (keep in mind this all happened in the 1700'ds.)
Oh well. such is this world. it was still fascinating.

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