Sunday, December 03, 2006

my car stinks man!
in order for me to pay for gas at the gas staion i have to hop along the seat until i get to the passengers side, get out the passengers side and walk all the way around the car to pay the man. then i can open my drivers side door and proceed to get back into the car. the window doesn't roll down and the door doesn't open from the inside. alas...the curse is upon me. i always said i loved cars with character. this is a little to much character.

work is great. just in case your wondering. it has it's ups and downs but i enjoy working with the people (some...) and i like my coworkers. the job itself sometimes gets a little repetative. "hi, how are ya today?" *scan...scan...scan...* "have a good day!"...(next customer...same as what i just said...) but then there are the times when it gets exciting. an old woman came in the other day and she had like 60 lottery tickettes. 60!!! it took me like maybe 20 minutes to scan them all. the lady got about 144 dollars. (insane!) then there are the WIC people who save up ALL there WIC checks for the very last day!!! GRRR!!!! ahahahahaha!!!!! it makes me cringe just thinking about it! they bring in like 10 checks and just one check normally takes about 3 minutes. you can imagine the line that builds up behind you! of those people were in front of you this saturday when you came through my line. how does that make you feel? then there are the sweet old men and women who come through, and you always know they need help out to there car so you call up courtesy, even if it's just a couple bags. and they're always positive and happy. this old guy came in, he was about 80 maybe. and he had this little blue teddy bear. he told me and Jessica a story about when he was younger he always wanted a blue teddy bear. once, when he went to visit his cousin (in a buggy, cause that's all they had back then :) he saw his little cousin had a little blue teddy bear. and he had a brown teddy bear so they decided to trade there teddy bears. but when he went to leave his cousin started to cry so his mom made him give back the blue teddy bear. he only had it for a few days. and so he said how for so many years he was looking for a blue teddy bear and he finally found one the very night over in the post office for 10 dollars. he was such a sweet guy. and he always buys two Huge bags of bird seed and wine and cat food. such a nice guy.

anyways. enough of my ranting...or more like ... ack! i don't know. my talking. have a good day.

1 comment:

Elaine Butler said...

Mike still has his old blue teddy bear. His name is "Mr. Blue", and we're not allowed to even think of every throwing away the decrepit little thing. Kinda cute.