Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I'm always amazed at how many opportunities God gives me to be a witness to people. not the kind of witnessing, like running up to people and physically talking to them about Christ, but the small subtle ways, just them seeing Christ through me. and i would be completely self-conceited to give myself the glory. God is awesome. i just want to thank Him for this crazy gift He's given me. most recently, i got my second paycheck from work...it was about 640$'s.iwas excited, and i thought the bank was closed by the time i got off work so i went through Eddies line and he cashed it for me. now, something in the system makes it impossible to cash a check over 500 dollars, so he had to split my check in half...it was all really confusing. so, it took quite a while for him, and the other head person,to figure out how to do it and we were all just going crazy by the end of it. (sorry if your confused. it's confusing to me...) so, i get my money and leave. when i got to the car my mom told me that the bank was really open! so i decided to cash my money, cause i didn't want to spend it. so we go to the bank and i cash 600$'s and i ended up having like 140$'s left over. which meant Eddy had given me an extra 100 dollars on accident. so i run over there again! and i had to call eddy back up to the front and Jenny who had helped him cash my check earlier. and we got it all figured out. strange as it is, the news of "what i did" spread throughout all the employees. even my boss. and i had a couple of people come up to me and ask me why i did it. why was i so honest. it was a whole hundred dollars. Bill, a courtesy guy, was saying how he probably wouldn't have done that, and how he was amazed that i did. he said it was good. isn't that amazing. God really turned that whole situation to His glory, no matter how subtle it may have been. these people seem to have a different outlook on me. Christ is shining through me. and it feels good. He's been giving me alot of opportunities to pray for my coworkers and have some talks with them. not deep spiritual stuff. just "so...you go to school?" small talk. things to help me get comfortable around them. i keep praying for them. i keep reading my Bible on my breaks. it's exciting!
i'm excited to see what God might do!
maybe you could pray for me and my time there. i'd really appreciate it!

oh! AND! i go in Thursday for my Lisence! i'm really scared and nearvous.

1 comment:

Fencemender said...

Isn't it amazing??!! What we take for granted, like a simple natural action of returning $100 is such a big deal nowadays. I love how God orchestrated all of that in order to bring attention to the absolute honesty that He has planted in you. He set you up as His witness. He is bringing you out to use for His glory :>D. WOW!
Adding you to my missionary prayer list,
Granny Commando