Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I got my first paycheck the other day. that's very exciting. i really like the people i work with. they're all really nice and like me.

let me list everyone, just because i can and it will be fun.
Phyllis. she's really awesome and funny, and she likes to gang up on me with other workers and tease me about random things.

Pam. she's always stressed but she's pretty nice. well....stressed is not really the word. more like tired.

Kyle, one of the new recruites who started working the same day as me. this kid is so funny! whenever he sees me he gets this huge smile on his face, and he always jokes around. he's awesome!

alex b. a very quiet guy. he's pretty nice.

alex. another extremely quiet kid. he told me he hates checking and he always smiles when he sees me! it's funny!

Barb. the one woman who intimidates me. she reminds me of Mrs. Schneider in second grade. a very masculin woman, who i can never tell when she's joking...or WHAT!

Brent. he's kindof "funnyish-weird". he cracks weird jokes...and he always makes me laugh.

Jenney. another stressed woman. well. at leaste this week she is. but even though she's always stressed, she's really nice.

april. my personal trainer. only once have i seen her extremely stressed, and it happened to be the day that i was stressed so we were both stressed. other than that one day, she's the nicest calmist woman there.

i don't really get to hang out with the meat department, or the deli. but the produce maneger and assistant are pretty nice.

there are other workers there, but they slip my mind. OH! there is Semira. i always...and i mean always...mispronounce her name. it's sad.

OH!!!! and Jackie!!!! she's my absolute favorite! she calls everyone sweety. and her laugh is extremely contagious!it's awesome!

the other day, all the workers up front, which i think it was Jenny, Phyllis, Jacki and pam. they all all of a sudden got in this weird funcky mood, where they were cracking the funniest jokes and were teasing me and laughing at the weirdest things. i was almost flabbergasted. it was so funny to see! man. i love my job


Elaine Butler said...

Do you remember Alex from VMSS? He was the one who drew cars because it was the only thing we could get him to do. It's so great to see him working there and actually (gasp!) TALKING to customers. Not much, but he can when he has to :o)

Fencemender said...

THAT is the SAME ALEX??? Wow - he is such a bright spot in THwy! Of course, now we have CARINA as another light to shine, as well. I am looking forward to a long relationship of short connections with you in the checkout line, Dearie.

Carina said...

Yha! alex is awesome!i got him to actually talk to me to!he hates his job, and he loves cars because he talks about them with all the courtesy guys all the time. it's pretty awesome. and he remebered me. i think i thought of him as my pet project. i really wanted to make him talk. but he never would. he'd just stare at me. so anyways. it's pretty awesome and i can't wait to see either of you in my line! :)