Friday, September 08, 2006

WARNING:some of the following contents may be stylized, exaggerated or accidentally made up. enter at owners own risk.

Ok. so i have a really dear friend. her name is joy.she's beautiful. amazing. friendly. outgoing.she's only 4ft.11in. but God has given her grace beyond measure. her love for Him is what always makes me want to scream for Joy! having a friend like her is a deep blessing.We've been friends since we were in 2 grade. here are my most fondest memories of her.I was running around. my hair flowing in the wind. i was only 6. it was recess. i was oblivious to most things. people didn't stand out to me. i was in my own little world. but she did. she had long blonde hair. blueish green eyes. and she was romping around this green field. i was so curious as to what she was doing that i walked right up to her and asked her what she was doing.she looked at me and said..."why. i'm being a horse!"i was so confused. i had never seen a horse. so i asked her if she could teach me. she did, and we were best friends ever since. we spent so much time together. her always getting me in trouble. one time, me and her little sister jenny were planning this huge slumber party. i mean it was going to be massive. with junk food and fun movies and we were going to invite her cousin! her mom had taken us to the snack shop and thriftway and we had picked out pop and pizza and candy and stuff!!! i was stoked, the first fun party i would ever be invited to. well. me in my curiosity. Kelly (Grrr....) decided to watch a movie. rated R!it was called "Maximum Overdrive" a movie about machines that came to life and killed people. my mom distinctly told me to ask before watching any movie. well, kelly said it was a good movie. but i decided i shouldn't watch it. so me and joy went into her room. joy got Ancy and went out to see her favorite part, where a little boy on a baseball field gets his face bashed in when a pop machine shoots out pop cans. well. i was ledt in the room, all to myself. what was i supposede to do?! i went out there at sat with them and watched the movie. it was scary. almost at the end, laury comes in and says...carina, did you aks your mom if you could watch this? i kindof mumbled a yes...(blatent lie...) but laury called my mom anyways. my heart Burned. fear seeped through my soul. not only had i watched a rated r movie, but i ahd lied to laury. joy and kelly were oblivious to what was going on. they were obsorbed in watching the morbid movie. laury ;looked at me and said..."your moms coming". that was the end of the worlds greatest slumber party. my mom came and got me. joy didn't seem me anyways. but she was still my most coveted friend. the person i looked forward to seeing everyday at school. we've been through so much. i was shocked when she had a like 3rd grade! i was partially disgusted. i was really mad, when rumors started to spread that she had kissed him. i refused to beleive it. there were so many times i cried in school. one of the worst memories of joy was on one of those occasions. 3rd grade. Mrs Packrds class. we had just had a bubble gum blowing contest to see who could blow the largest bubble. i knew i would win. i knew my jaw was capable of such trama! i was ready. psyched up. prepared! we were given to pieces. i decided to try the contest and if i failed, i'd keep the other piece for recess. well. i failed. sadness. oh well. i had that other piece for recess. well...lalalala...recess finally came. i went to the undercover area. feeling free to enjoy my piece of gum. joy and another girl walk up. they started harassing me. telling me i couldn't eat that piece of gum. if we had an extra we had to give it back to the teacher. well, i knew the logic in it. but i refused to beleive it. so i shoved the piece of gum in my mouth and chewed on the savory flavor. (it was bubblicious. the kind every child wanted, but my mom would never get!) well. that just made joy mad. so she said i had to spit it out and throw it away. at this point i didn't understand why all of this bickering was relevant. so i started to cry. i juices were drooling out of my mouth i was crying so hard. i think i ended up swollowing my gum. well. joy decided to change her tactic. her and the other girl calmed down and said "your so sensitive!"
what was this word! sensitive. i had never heard it before. i automatically assumed it was a horrid word and that it was inulting me. so i screamed back! "I AM NOT SENSITIVE!!!" this made them laugh. "You are sensitive!" this went back and forth for the whole recess. i was sobbing, weak from crying, shaking from furry. they were amused and thought it was hilarious. we walked into the classroom. my eyes were puffy and red. i was still choked up. the teacher pulled me aside and aksed what was the matter (really what was going through her mind was why can't this stupid sensitive girl go through one day without crying over something stupid...?) well. i mumbled something about them calling ,e sensitive and not letting me eat the gum...and it was a horrid gloomy day for me. but does this stop me from loving joy? does this make me dread being in her presence? does this make life more horrifying knowing she is still alive...?
no. far be it from me to ever dread being in this short girls presence. her very eyes puncture deep rivits in my kind. thanks God for making and molding such a beautiful person.

Amen. (let it be so...)

1 comment:

Joy said...

I feel bad. Yet I laugh. iTbothered me to bits when other people broke the rules I was forced to live by. And it still does, like Jenica's whole life now, and how it makes me sad (and mad) and refuses to listen. She just won't give the teacher back the second piece of gum and she might get in toruble.
Loves yus. You're such an exagurator!