Thursday, June 15, 2006


tomorrow i get to go "White water rafting" with the jr.highers. it's more like hopping in and out of an intertube for a few hours...honestly i've never done it it'll be

anyways. it was also my first time at safari sams...and to tell you the truth, i'm a fat slob, who doesn't excercise or eat right...and it was proven in that jungle jim, that i'm fat and disgustingly full of ... stuff that shouldn't be in my think i'm over exaggerating?! i got tired after the first 1/2 hour! the kids were just getting started. and two days later, i'm still sore!!!

well...anyways. i was dog tired after wards. i think masami was worrried about me. i probably looked half as dead as i felt!! i saw some old pictures of me when i was 13. freaky stuff! that was the era where, i refused to take showers or do anything productive with my body, like brush my teeth or hair...or shave...(?) or whatever else i refused to do! man, i was a disgusting kid. alot worse than now.

why am i reminiscing about this? oh yah. the pictures fresked me out! i'd show you guys one...but you'd probably choke on whatever your eating and throw up! (not kidding, and not a joce!)

well...i'm off to home group. see myself later.

1 comment:

Carina said...

HOLY COW! what's up with all the mispellations. i just posted this, and was re-reading it...and WOW!!!