Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mothers Day...

Her children stand and bless her. Her husband praises her: [29] "There are many virtuous and capable women in the world, but you surpass them all!"
Proverbs 31:28-29 NLT

these are such pretty persian cats, and they stay really small! i want one, but they're like 200 dollars. they're miniature cats! :)

anyways. i feel like my life is on hold right now. waiting for a job...but i have to wait about a month and a half...and while i'm waiting i'm doing nothing. honestly, i'm itching to take another drawing class. i learned so much in just one class, imagine how further i can expand my understaning of art by taking another one!...ok. that was randomly dumb to say. forgive me. but i won't hide my...skwirmyness to do something. beleive it or not, i'm like all the other kids my age, without a job and college life...I'M going to go crazy. urg!!! well...what should i do. i feel like being a slacker in counseling and just not show to drastic. have you ever felt like you've just completely gone against what God had initially planned for you've just completely ignored all His road signs? that how i'm feeling right now. and because of my stupidity...and my inate ability to Not turn people down, joy has to wait like three more months before she can move out...(now granted she doesn't have to wait for me, she could move out on her own...but that'd be just a little harder than moving out with me...)

awwww!!! i don't know what to think....

(stupid, stupid stupid stupid!!!!)


now that i've written out the feelings that are deeply settling into my mind and gut....i'll go.

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