Wednesday, April 04, 2007

aaah...what a Pleasure to be home. the first time EVER that i've had Culture shock was the same day i got back. i walked into Thriftway and expected all the food to be covered in flies and half of it to be rotten. it was surprising....but i got over it. i had jetlagg till about 1:30 pm today then it all just stopped. all in all, india was awesome. here are some of the really exciting things that happened. (while it's fresh in my memory)

Traveling was Horrible. too and from Rokeby. ok, horrible was a harsh word...Grueling. we were on 4 planes each way. the 8 hour layover at Canada Airport was INSANE. all of us college kids...Kyle, Bryce, Mallory and I along with Mellony, played card games on a small table in the sitting area of starbucks for at leaste 3 hours and after that...our imagination sored, i still can't remember what we did. we got into Dheli at like 8 pm and drove to Rokeby and got there at around 3:30 am to everyone asleep and the house locked. so tim went and somehow woke up one of the workers and he came and let us in. that was exciting.

the orphanage went really good. everyday was really fun and exauhsting. running around @ 8000 feet above sea level is a grueling and fatiging thing to go through. you sprint for three feet and your our of breath for ten minutes, no joke. but it was all worth it. Bryce was the expert in the Tibetan language. he could count to like 20 in Tibetan. me and mallory tried...and we got to ten, but i forgot most of it except for 1,2 and 3. Teek, Ne, Suum. or something like that. A little five year old boy names Docha Tesin helped me and mallory count to Ten. He was sweet.

one day Brent made reservations at this Hotel's restaurant. it was so nice...pretty much a five course meal. (i personally didn't like the food, but everyone else did.) and after the meal they opened up this parlor room that had all these stuffed Tigers and Leapords and all this antique furniture and paintings. it was really awesome. I think i got the guy on video talking about the time when he shot the largest Tiger in the room. so amazing!

we went to the Hieshies and hung out with them for half the day. Joseph had to go early but Isaac went with us to these Tibetan places and then we had lunch with him at a Tibetan resaurant. after he left we went back to this Tibetan area so all the "New" people could see the Tibetan women wave rugs, but that was closed. and brent wanted to get into the Tibetan store...thing...but that was closed...but. Brent was determined so he wandered around the area for a few minutes to find someone to open it, and all the while this Hindu Beggar was pestering us for money. finally brent got someone and we went in and bought stuff and on our way to the taxi Jerry gave her some coins.

that's a few exciting things that happened. there are some things that will stay only in india and in my mind. but i'll share the most exciting things, like a Geko crawling up Tims leg and Mellony being really sad everytime a Sick dog with Tumors walked past us and Mallory's neverending energy and Kyle and Bryce taking some crazy sleeping pill on the plane ride home that none of us knew what it was and bryce had bought at some random Chemist in Dheli and me almost losing my tickettes and Brent embarrasing himself on the Indian Max train and Jerry playing his Ipod really loud so we could hear this really awesome and the guy in the other room getting mad at us and watching Lanelle get this Asian accent everytime she talked to an asian. man. good times.

if you have any questions feel free to ask. no...i didn't fall in love with any of the guys on the trip or with any crazy indian guy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

glad you had a good time.

no i dont believe you dont like me...i believe you HATE me.

jeez...guess ill have to beat you up tonight
