Prayer is a place where we can "Adapt" ourselves to God, a place where our needs aren't our main concern, but the glorification of our Lord.
Wednesday, April 03, 2013
I am currently 31 weeks, since Monday. I am starting to get more out of breath, just from rolling over in bed. I wake up around 3 am every night with the burning desire to pee! I have a slight "waddle" to my step which will get worse as the weeks progress. I have a few more newly sprouted stretch marks on my belly this time. I went to the Pregnancy Resource Center the other day, due to my mom's insistence, and got a new outfit and a new pair of pants...but I felt really awkward so I don't think I will go back. And the biggest part about this pregnancy is the decision that Taylor and I made about where we will have Liam...which will be in our home. We decided to go the Home Birth route for a few reasons, 1) Money. It cost us over $3500 for Eli's birth, going through Alma Midwifery it will cost us $1700. Quite a difference. 2) I really didn't enjoy the hospital experience. I wanted a natural birth, and when I hit 10 cm and was about ready to push they didn't let me know that, until after I caved (thinking I still had a few more hours of labor with excruciating contractions) and opted for the epidural. Looking back, if I had known I was 10 cm, I would have just dealt with the pain. Plus, sleeping in a hospital bed is uncomfortable, being woken up every other hour throughout the night was annoying and poor Taylor had the worst bed of all. With a home birth I will have my own bed, will be able to sleep better and rest better and heal better. 3) The experience. Taylor and I are planning on having at least 4 kids, and the chances of me having one of them over-seas in Asia (which is where we want to serve as missionaries) is pretty high. So to have the experience at home, I think will be very helpful in the future if I will have a baby in a foreign country, surrounded by women who don't speak my language and am far away form a hospital. All just future guessing, but best to be prepared. I already love my mid-wives. I will have 3 attending my birth. My main midwife, her assistant and a girl in training.
I can't wait to meet Liam Carter Hicks, and I can't wait to see how Eli adjusts to his new sibling. It will be fun to see them play together when they are older, yet so close in age. I wouldn't have it any other way.
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