Saturday, September 02, 2006

Ok. i need to read my Bible...

I'm going to read from Phillipians, only because that book just popped into my mind, and i also really like it. goes...

what's Humility?
the quality or condition of being humble; modest opinion or estimate of one's own importance, rank, etc.

(humility- a prominent Christian grace (Rom. 12:3; 15:17, 18; 1 Cor. 3:5-7; 2 Cor. 3:5;Phil. 4:11-13). It is a state of mind well pleasing to God (1 Pet. 3:4); it preserves the soul in tranquillity (Ps. 69:32, 33), and makes us patient undertrials (Job 1:22). Christ has set us an example of humility (Phil. 2:6-8) Weshould be led thereto by a remembrance of our sins (Lam. 3:39), and by thethought that it is the way to honour (Prov. 16:18), and that the greatestpromises are made to the humble (Ps. 147:6; Isa. 57:15; 66:2; 1 Pet. 5:5). Itis a "great paradox in Christianity that it makes humility the avenue toglory."
Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary)

So. Humility is not recognizing yourself, in comparison to someone else...
That's how my mind makes better sense of it anyways.

Did Jesus do that? The Bible says Jesus was humble. Philippians 2:1-11

"...Who, being in the very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. ..."

That's pretty crazy. Jesus was so humble He threw down His royalty and became a peasant. The story, The Prince and the Pauper jumped in my mind. Is it going to far to say that Christ, at one point, swiched places with us? He came down to our level so some day He would be able to exalt us...even above the angels. (i'd suggest you read the small paragraph of verses up above.)

wow. i think i got alot out of that. Studying the words that make no sense to me, like Humility, make it much more rewarding, than if i just sat there and stared at my Bible for a few minutes.

Ok. tell me what you got from this. and also expand on it. I like it when i make people think.

Have FUN!!!

Friday, September 01, 2006

ok. today is a day of venting. I thought i got over this, but my mind keeps screaming at me and replaying the situation over and over in my mind. talking about this and displaying it for all the world to see, seems to help. i'll at leaste leave out there names. well, today i had to have a serious confrontaion with two kids. one of the kids who was supposed to be helping me keep the kids under control at the 5 day clubs, and the other, was being a disgusting distraction. ok. JG, wasn't prepared at all for his missionary story (again!) and passed it onto TB. that was the first thing that made me mad. He had a whole week of intensive training on this missionary story. and he told me he slept through most of it, thus his dis-interest in being a Light for God. Then for the other two clubs he and his friend...L? were huge distractions. first while TB was telling the missionary story (aka JG's job) Jg and L? were making the kids laugh. I told JG that he was making me mad and that he'd better stop distracting the kids. so, he eased up on it. then at Brents club, while i was trying to tell my Bible story, JG and L? were sitting amongst the kids and Talking! Loudly! and distracting, not only the kids but me. to the point where i kept on forgetting my place. It was very infuriating. i told them at leaste four times to stop talking, but it continued. so after that, i gave the song leading over to TB and had JG and L? walk with me a ways from the kids. first, as they walked towards me with smugg looks on there faces, i asked if i looked happy?! That wiped that off, then i told JG how totally dissapointed i was with him. he tried to pass the blame on L? who was willing to take it, but i wasn't willing to take that. it was both of them! i made that clear.I was so mad my whole body was shaking and i could feal my neck twitch, i do that all the time while i'm in a blood-thristy rage! i was telling JG and L? to go home right then, but he refused because his dad was there. and i know i should have gotten his dad, but i have this horrible weakness. i don't want people to be mad at me. I go out of the way, to make sure people don't hate me. but in this surcomstance, i think i would have rather had him hate me than not. but it was to late, my fear overcame me. I'm glad i at leaste showed him my anger. i think they were both quite surprised. they guarded there talking after that little discussion.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

ok. bear with me on this post. and laugh your heart out or scream in fear.

i know joy just posted about a dream she had, and beleive me, i'm NOT copying her. and even if i was, this makes such a good story.

so i had this dream. Last night, if you were wondering, so it's fresh in my mind.

It was "gloomy", kindof fuzzy, warm. I was in this white car with four other friends, i don't know who they were, but they were two couples and i was a guy, also someone i have no clue who it was. so we were driving around a city, down a deserted road, when we realized we were surrounded by dead people, walking and alive (now keep in mind, the last "night of the living dead" type of movie i saw was with joy, and that was Shawn of the Dead. that was like two weeks ago.) so we begin to feel uncomfortable, these people are dead, eating each other and killing people.we weren't scared, but i distinctly remember feeling uncomfortable. i begin to form this idea in my mind, "in order to survive this, i must get some food!" so i pass this old looking supermarket. half the parking lot was full, the other half was empty. i knew this was my chance, i parked and was running towards the store before i knew what was happening. i ran inside, and immediately, i realized there were alot of dead people in the store. they were all huddled around the frozen meat section stuffing there faces with raw meat. well, the part of my shopping experience eludes my mind, alls i know is all of a sudden i was standing in line with a full cart and eerie creepy music was playing in the back of my head. the lady in front of me had obviously been bitten. she was moaning in pain but determined to keep buying her stuff. there was a black lady bagging her stuff. the bitten lady turned to her and asked if she could go get her something. she looked uncertain, then left...toward the meat section. i began to panic! i knew there were dead people there and she would be eaten. there was just one shelf between me and the meat section. it was so scary. i could see the tops of there heads, mulling around and mulling back and fourth, the black lady had walked behind the little shelf and was gone. so i ran to the bagging area, and began to bag the ladies stuff! i knew i had to get her out of there before she turned into a zombie! i filled her cart up. she had two huge boxes as well, full of food. i put one box in her cart and one in mine and told her (aLIE!) that i would bring her, her box. she painfully shrugged her shoulders and waddeled away. so, i began stuffing my stuff in my cart, all the while expecting the black lady to fly around the corning and leap on me. my heart was pounding and i could begin to feel my body grow hotter. i grabbed up huge handfulls of tortillas. yes tortillas. who knows why i grabbed those. i must have thought i could live off them. all the while my heart rate was picking up. BAM! the black lady stepps out from behind the shelf and is untouched. she gives me this weird look, shruggs and begins helping someone else. so i'm packing tortillas in my cart, still hearing the creepy music. finally i finish and i slapped a credit card down and ran out the door, as more people are piling in to buy food. i begin to run across the parking lot towards my car. my friends are shaken up. the woman who was in front of me in the line, had parked right next to us. she was leaning against her car as i was slapping my forhead and saying "Oh GREAT!!!!" so i begin to fling open doors and throw tortillas at my friends. well, the lady begins moving around her car. a sick feeling errupts in my stomach. i knew she was a zombie. but all the others zombies just walzted around. she was acting funny. then all OF a sudden she flipps around and screams at me. a shrill peircing scream!. her hair is wild and she starts RUNNING around my car. i scream and slam the doors. leap into my side of the car as she flings herself at me. and i drive off....then i woke up.

yes. my dream was so scarry. i woke up Hot, sweaty and my heart racing.
i fell back asleep a few minutes later and drempt the same dream again, but my mom interrupted that. it was so weird. My body was just HOT! like the kind of Hot, when you get when your really scared.

anyways. that was that. hope it entertained you.