Wednesday, September 06, 2006

wow. i'm such a slacker. i havn't read the Bible for like two whole days now. so much for me trying my hardest to read it. and please don't tell me "how hard it is to devote your self to reading the Bible everyday" I understand that...thus the complaining. just thinking about it makes me want to act upon it. so if i have to type this same sentance over and over again, everyday for the rest of my life, in order for me to try to read the Bible consistently, i guess that's what i have to do.

ok. i bought a sketchbook the other day, and i've dvoted it to the human body. i can't wait to see my skills be refreshed and molded.

...and now on to my thoughts.


yes. i want to go again this year. if God will allow me, i will go. the only way i could see me not being able to go, is if i got a job and my boss said no. so i'm looking forward to it. the last two trips, i just lept into it. Focused on God but not really seeing if it was what He wanted. i automatically said YESS!!! i'm going! and went. obviously God didn't stop me. but i still felt bad for not even trying to see where He wanted me to go. well, now i'm 98% sure. the other two percent is a "He still might shut the door..." But i'm looking forward to it all. some day i hope i'll be able to go to tibet and china...and alot of other places, but right now, i'm content with India.

God's pretty awesome. and i know how much i grow when i go to india. each year was like ten years of growth for me. i have thought about how my life was before i went to india. i was weak, i knew God and wanted to honour Him but didn't know how, or who to share it with. I was socially afraid. well. now i'm quite different. at leaste i think so.

so. what could God possibly do again in my life if i went on another trip? Tons. i'm not sure what, but i always seem to get a few steps closer to God, the farther away from home and the more i have to rely on my friends for safety.

anyways. that was way to much rambling for my taste. now, off to study. and do some art.


Lanelle said...

so, I've been on this same boat. Actually been reading the bible and praying though... shame on you, ya slacker (just kidding!)

I wish I knew God's plan for things. Does God want my desire to be for missions at home or abroad? Am I to deepen my dependence on Him by going only to dig in and stay?

I want to be on the plane. Actually, I want to be sitting on a concrete bench, with my kids playing on the court with the other children, while I talk with T about her faith and life, and walk with P after she graduates, to give her encouragement and pray.

Of course, I could just as easily walk with anyone down any street in E-town, praying and encouraging them, while building a relationship with another... so many variables, so much to consider.

And I am no longer as free as you, married with children as I am. Pray, I'm praying too!

Elaine Butler said...

By the way, if you're interested in a little work, there's an event at Timber Park this Saturday from 10:00 to 5:00. They're paying $8.50/hour for good workers to help run it (Party Works). You can call my friend Cheryl or her husband Blair at 503-563-1073 if you're interested.